The Ruhi Institute: Walking a Path of Service

We offer a series of 10 courses that were developed in South America through the Ruhi Institute and are being studied in small groups all over the world. The series is designed to engage communities everywhere in a global process of learning that enhances the capacity of individuals and communities to serve humanity. The courses help individuals build the capacity to arise in service to their communities.

The Ruhi courses are based on the premise that all people, everywhere, share universal human values at the core of their own culture. These come from their spiritual heritage. There is a remarkable similarity across all cultures regarding these values: love, justice, compassion, generosity, etc. This aspect of human beings, our higher nature is what unites us. We study materials having to do with personal growth, answering questions about the purpose of life and death, and instilling an environment that uplifts the spirit in our communities. The materials we will be studying come from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, a holy teacher whose purpose was to bring about unity.

People from all religious and secular backgrounds have joined these classes. The purpose is to have conversations about improving our personal lives and serving our communities. Most people who participate will find echoes in the material we will be studying of their own spiritual heritage.