Community Information

Community Information

Our township contains residents who can point to many generations of relatives who have called Harding Township their home, some going as far back as its original settlement out of the Black Swamp. We also have newer folks who have moved from town into our township to enjoy the calming rhythms of country life.

Neighbors help neighbors - that's just how we do things here.

Everyone who shares an appreciation for living a bit closer to their roots will find contentment in Harding Township.

Curbside Mailboxes

Living in the country means that your mailbox is at the roadside. The United States Postal Service has established regulations on the particulars of what type of mailbox and post is allowed, such as address information, location, etc. For more information on these regulations, please click here for more information.

License Plate Renewal Information

A portion of the Ohio license plate tax is returned to the township in which you reside, and is used for road repairs. When renewing your license plates, please check your vehicle registration to be sure that the township listed is the one where you live. This is also true for residents who lease a vehicle. If you don't specifically designate the township where you live, the tax money will go to your mailing address - which is usually the nearest municipality. Our township needs that money to help maintain our township roads, so please take that extra quick second to verify that the correct information is listed on your vehicle registration.

Meeting Schedule:

Meeting Schedule.xls