My daughter is not giving me a hard time, she is having a hard time. And even if I feel like she IS giving me a hard time, it is important for me to realise that my hard time comes from my own insecurities and triggers from my past. They are my feelings to own and deal with. I am the adult and I must take responsibility for how I handle those feelings.

I am sure if I could remember back to my four year old self, I would remember the confusion, the frustration, the jealousy, the feeling that nobody understood, the lonely feelings and the sad ones. I think I would also remember that the hurts I felt were real and mine to feel. They were not for someone else to own and reciprocate nor were they fabricated to give my parents a hard time. They simply were what they were and all I would have wanted was for someone to get me, to see me and to understand me.

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I am now beginning to realise that when I let myself become affected by her behaviour and begin to believe that my hard time is harder than her hard time, I am no longer being the respectful parent I am aiming to be. My reactions become intolerant and unempathetic. The effects of these reactions for my beautiful, sensitive girl are long lasting.

Now, if I was not parenting objectively here, not seeing the bigger picture and not seeking to understand the hard time my daughter was having, it could have been easy to run to the defense of Miss 3, and to see the aggressive acts from Miss 4 simply as poor behaviour. Her hard time could have become lost in translation as I sought to discipline her and teach her that Miss 3 was trying to be kind so it was not nice to treat her that way.

Every time we react to her behaviour with exasperation as though she is giving us a hard time, we are sending her the message that we think she is naughty or there is something wrong with her, without needing to use those words. Every raised voice, loud sigh, stern word or cold shoulder is absorbed and swallowed by our little girl to be carried around with her throughout her days.

In hindsight, it was an awful and immature thing to say to a child having a hard time and needing love and acceptance. I had believed in that moment that I was being given a hard time and I was triggered. In my view, my hard time was more important than hers and my reactions came accordingly. Now, here she was, 8 months later, still holding onto that pain she had felt back then.

I am grateful, though. I am grateful that she has finally been able to verbalise these feelings. She has let us in on a little part of what is happening inside her, each time she snaps seemingly out of the blue.

Thank you, Kate! Yes, so so easy to take those hard behaviours to heart. I constantly have to remind myself to think about her needs before reacting with my needs. I have the poster in the article, pinned by my work area to remind myself!

Kate x

That means those towns also will have a hard time getting taxpayers off the hook for any established benefits, even when a contract expires, unless the police union agrees to the change, an expert said.

Women have a particularly hard time guiding such perceptions -- the amount of time and effort that it takes to be seen as a legitimate and credible product CEO makes it nearly impossible to change course.

While some of this criticism is fair and reasonable, it does seem overly prescriptive in terms of dictating how stories are told. Episodic televisual storytelling is very much its own artform, with its own internal rules and expectations. In many respects, standalone episodes of those sorts of episodic shows are best treated as a series of forty-five minute movies with a fixed cast. They tackle one big idea or one big story at a time. Using that logic, it would be churlish to argue that a film cannot explore post-traumatic stress disorder because the idea is too big for a two-hour story.

There are lots of reasons for this shift. A lot of them are driven by technology. The turn of the millennium changed the technology through which media was consumed. Although the Star Trek franchise had always maintained a presence in home media, it was very hard to sell television series on VHS; the cassette tapes were bulky and relatively expensive, making it harder to convince audiences to buy them. As a result, consumption was usual dictated by network and syndication scheduling. At the start of the twenty-first century, that changed.

At the same time, there are also certain elements that do serve to date the show. Deep Space Nine is a product of the nineties, despite the care taken to conceal that fact. Changeling infiltration might resonate with contemporary anxieties about global terrorism, but the show largely brushes it aside to focus on a much more conventional war arc. Even at the height of the Dominion War, there is a firm delineation between episodes that advance the central plot and those that do not. Even In the Pale Moonlight only has a mid-level impact on the show going forward.

However, that is not to say that this datedness is a bad thing. Certainly, a work of art is not diminished by the fact that it is rooted in the aesthetic of a particular time. To pick an extreme example, Casablanca is not undercut by the fact that it was shot in black-and-white, despite what Ted Turner might think. The Godfather was the result of a very unique moment in Hollywood history, the product of environment that had only just come into existence and would not exist for long afterwards. That does not make it any less important or vital.

Part of that is due to timeless themes, but part of that is simply down to the fact that well-crafted works of art remain well-crafted even after times change. More than that, it is tempting to assume that all developments represent progress, that evolution is a single unified line charting a course that leads from the beginning of time into the future. Episodes like Genesis and Threshold would suggest that the Star Trek franchise adheres to this philosophy at least when it comes to the biological process of evolution.

nature to assert them. But if you are patient and gentle with yourself,you can utilize tools to set and maintain boundaries; anyone can do it with practice and time! There is no reason why you cannot.

What is often difficult about setting boundaries is having to repeat yourself every time one is crossed. Because it feels uncomfortable and can be challenging, we often regress and let go of setting and/or enforcing our boundaries consistently. The feeling of boundaries being an uphill battle is valid, but we can lessen the grade of the hill by continuing to practice. This might mean that we pick one core boundary and focus on enforcing it as often as we can, or we choose a handful of smaller boundaries that might come up frequently but have lower emotional stakes. Each individual person will feel more comfortable practicing higher-stakes or lower-stakes boundaries; it is up to you how you begin and how you prioritize, so long as you make it a point to keep working!

I will try and keep this simple and to the point. First all hello to everyone I'm new to the forum and have already found some great information. Here is my dilemma. I recently graduated from trucking school with the hopes of going cross country. My wife and mainly my daughter have had a change of heart and don't want me to go cross country until my daughter graduates high school. She had this year and next year. I have been trying to find something local in the meantime but everyone wants from 6mo to 2yrs experience. I feel like giving up but my financial situation is what is keeping me from doing so. I have a class A with TX endorsement. Is there anything I can do or am I just SOL for 2yrs. Any advise or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Honestly, your best bet would be to search on Craigslist. 95% of local companies require you to have at least a year of experience before they'll even consider you. So it's no surprise that you're having a difficult time.

If you would drive, what is the maximum time being away from home will your family be ok with? You could apply at Roehl. It's OTR but you they have options where you can be home very often. Work 7 days and then 7 days off, or work 14 days and 7 days off. Those working days you won't be home at all. And it would give you that 1 year experience all those local companies require.

To be completely honest and I don't want to be negative. But I think your SOL unless your family can accept for you to maybe be gone a week or two. It's extremely difficult to get a local job with no experience. If I were you I wouldn't abandon ship just yet. Try to see how they will feel about you being gone for maybe a week or two at a time. And if they're ok with that then look into Roehl. There's no better hometime package than they offer. As for a local driving job, the only ones you might be able to land is a delivery driver for a warehouse like Lowes or Home Depot. They have Class B trucks. But besides that I'm sorry man but it'll be extemely difficult.

Also check out TMC. They get you home almost every weekend. McElroy is another that gets you home every weekend. Those types of companies are probably your best bet. But don't give up hope on local companies. Just search as much as you can. When I was doing my search there were quite a few food service companies that hired new CDL grads. They were pretty small local or regional companies. So look around and make phone calls. Sometimes the smaller companies will post on their website they want 6-12 months of experience, but if you call and ask they might need a driver or two immediately and will consider a new grad.

The other thing I want to warn you about is that if you don't hurry up and get a job there will be many companies that say you've been out of school too long and they will require you to take a refresher course before they can hire you. Here again the insurance companies dictate the hiring policies. I was out of school 90 days before I could get a job due to some medical issues and there were people who wouldn't take me because of that lapse in time. ff782bc1db

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