
E-mail address:

Students, you are ENCOURAGED to e-mail me with any questions, concerns, or ideas. E-mail is a great way to take ownership of your grade and ask questions outside of class. I check my e-mail regularly and will get back to you *usually* within a few hours. However, you must follow these rules when sending your teacher an e-mail.

1. Do not e-mail the teacher with questions that can be answered by checking the website or Skyward.

2. If you can, ask someone for help first. Try calling a classmate or asking your parents before sending the teacher an e-mail.

3. Make sure to write in the subject line. Do not leave it blank or write the entire question in the subject line.

4. In the body of the e-mail, please start with a greeting. Ex. Dear Mrs. Kipperman,

5. Write in complete sentences and use correct grammar. My pet peeve is when the letter "I" is not capitalized. Do not use slang or "text talk."

6. If you are e-mailing about a problem, suggest a solution! For example, if you need to make up a test, suggest a time that works for you.

7. Reread your e-mail before you press "send." Unfortunately, you cannot take back an e-mail once it is sent. Make sure your tone is polite, your grammar is correct, and that your writing is clear.

Watch this video for clarification and for examples of e-mail "do nots."