Blog Post Guidelines


Why write a post?

Blog posts allow students and families to stay connected to what is happening in our classroom. Additional incentive: 10 extra credit points (max. 1x/week) or to replace a lab grade or stamp card grade.

What can you write a post about?

  • Conduct an experiment (this can be one that you thought of or found online) and write about it! It would be super awesome if you included some pictures. Here is an example, but BE CREATIVE!
  • Watch a science related movie and reflect on it. (I do not want a summary; tell me what you thought about it). Did you see the scientific/engineering process? Movie ideas:
          • Hidden Figures
          • March of the Penguins
          • The Martian (PG-13 ask permission first)
          • GATTACA (PG-13 ask permission first)
          • (These are just a few ideas, I am open to more!)
  • What was learned during the week and what activities we did in class. *pretend someone was absent for the week and you are explaining it to them.
  • You can write about a topic that we were learning, just like you were explaining it to a classmate that may not understand it as well.
  • A current science event (make sure to include a link to the article you are referencing).
  • A piece of work that you are proud of. What was the process for creating it? What can someone learn from it?
  • What study skills have you found helpful in this class that you could share with others?
  • Have another idea? Ask your teacher!

What are the requirements?

  • Must be submitted via this Google Form.
  • Must be edited and professional.
  • Must be at least 2 paragraphs long.
  • Must be written in complete sentences with no grammatical errors. I will not publish errors and you will not get credit.
  • Must include at least one image.
  • If you are including pictures from the class, there may NOT be any faces in the photos. You are able to use pictures of labs, activities, and your work. However for student privacy and safety, please make sure that students cannot be identified in the pictures. If you are not sure, ask your teacher.

*Allow one week for the post to publish, thank you!