Today's wisdom for happy couples

Title- Parenting

Always be on the same page with your spouse whenever he or she disciplines any of your children.

Never disagree with his or her action in the presence of the children even though you disagree in your heart .you can express yourself In your bedroom when you are both together.

Today's wisdom for happy couples

Title- common interest

One of the ways to strengthen the bond in your marriage is to look for what interests your spouse and focus on it.

For instance ,if your spouse love politics, try to know more about politics so that you can connect well during when talking politics. Same way if your spouse love movies, try to know more about movies,actors and actresses. Etc.

Know something about everything so that you will always have something to talk about. Especially for the husbands, be a reservoir of knowledge tht your wife and children can leverage on.

This will further strengthen your bonding and connection.

Today's wisdom for happy couples

Title- Your success partner

According to late Pastor Bimbo Odukoya, she said your spouse is your key success partner.

Meaning always carry your spouse along in every new step and action you are about to take.

Never despice your spouse and font be too over familiar with your spouse.

Today's wisdom for happy couples

Title- Family Mission statement

Every family is unique on a mission to build a great future. Develop a short mission statement your family can recite every day. This create a mental picture of a desired future.

For instance part of my family statement is to enjoy covenant of long life ,that the minimum age we will live together is 95 yrs in good health and wealth

Today's wisdom for happy couples

Title- Play

If your spouse is your friend . Be deliberate to Play and play together. This reduces any tension In the home and create a relax atmosphere. You can play with each other or with the children.

In our family, we do 5 to 10mins male vs female wrestling time with plenty fair play. Daddy and son Vs mummy and daughter

Today's wisdom for couples.

Title- Storm Proof your marriage

[KJV] - Matthew 7:24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

Dear couples, build your marriage on the word of God and not what is trending. Try as much as possible to worship in the same church where you hear the word of God from one Pastor.

As christian couples, you can't do without the word of God to storm proof your marriage.

What to do with the word of God

  1. Read it

  2. Believe it

  3. Confess it

  4. Have faith in it

  5. Declare the word

Today's wisdom for happy couples

Title- Openly Admire and rebuke in the secret

Your spouse must constantly look fresh and charming in your sight. Openly Admire your spouse in the presence of others and rebuke him or her in the bedroom.


Today's wisdom for happy couples

Title- Share Knowledge with your spouse.

After studying the word of God or you watch an online preaching. Or even after reading a book.

Pls never keep the inspiration and revelation to yourself, share it with your spouse how that word of God has blessed you.

Today wisdom for happy couples

Title- spice up your marriage

Just imagine a meal without salt and condiments. How will it taste like?

You and I know what spice does in a meal. Be deliberate to do any of the FF to spice up your marriage

A. Couple hangout at a pool side.

B. Shopping or window shopping with out the kids

C. Go to 5 star hotel lounge or pool side.

D. Morning walk out.

E. Register at a fitness center.

F. Attend a comedy show.

G. Go to the airport lounge.

H. Couples evangelism.

I. Lodge for 1 or 2 days or more in an hotel.

J. Learn a new skill like swimming, cycling, skating etc

Pls note that these activities should be done without the kids😘

Averagely, marriage years of us on this platform is 4 to 15years, we are still going to 50years in marriage and more, so we have to spice it up for it not to lose its spark.