wisdom 4 singles 101 class topics

Classes Topics.

1. Personal Self discovery.

2. Discovering Who you are - Personality traits,Love Languages,Interests, Life Partner Specs etc.

3. How to prepare myself for my life partner.

4. Questions I must ask my potential life partner.

5. As a lady,how to make yourself findable.

6. When and How to propose and get positive response.

7. How to know if he or she is a person that fear God.

8. How to Know if your spouse to be is accountable to someone. UNACCOUNTABLE PERSONS IS DANGEROUS.

9. How to do Investigate and do Background check before you propose to accept proposal.

10. How to choose right between 2 or more Persons that look like your potential life partner.

11. How to pray and get the right conviction that he/she is the right one.

12. Understanding you and your potential life partner to be family Background before you propose or accept proposal.

13. Knowing the right time to introduce him/her to your family and your pastor.

14. Understanding what is Love

15. Understanding red flags and the importance.