Luke mockingly assures him that he caught it all on tape. Gloria tries to talk to him, but Manny runs to his room. Gloria's baby is ready to come out, but she tries to hold it because she feels bad about Manny having to share her; now he might have to share a birthday as well. Jay tries to talk to Manny, saying at least Manny can prove he kissed a girl. Kenny certainly wasn't ingratiating himself to Claire or Phil, even admitting he acted more like a 14-year-old than Manny did. He even had a daughter that age. Phil resisting the urge to clip his ponytail with garden shears for running Haley's hand up his leg, Claire tries to keep him at bay. Gloria gets everybody to sing Happy Birthday to Manny, who has finally come out of his room, just in time to see Gloria's water break. She refused to leave, forcing Jay to drag her to the car, apologizing to Manny the whole way.

Everybody else makes it to the hospital in time to hear what they think is Gloria screaming. It turns out to be from Jay, whose hand Gloria was squeezing. Gloria was still trying to keep the baby inside until the following day so that he and Manny would not share a birthday, but Manny told her he had her to himself for 14 years and appreciated her efforts to keep a human being inside her just to make him feel better. (JAY: If we had actually forgotten his birthday, he'd be out kissing a cute brunette. Things work out!) Manny knew Gloria loved him and took her hand...and understood why Jay was screaming like a little girl. After Jay assures Gloria how much he loves her, Gloria wants the baby out.

Happy Birthday By Baby Gloria Audio Download

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i love this recipe. its my go to chocolate cake one now. happy belated birthday. making this cake for my god son birthday. he loves chocolate. its dense enough to be covered in fondant. love it girly :)

I made this cake for a BBQ yesterday and it was a hit! I posted a pic on my FB page and now a friend wants it for his birthday cake. It was my first attempt at a multi-layer cake so i was doubly happy that it turned out. One minor complaint from my taste testers was that it was a little too sweet so I thought I would try dark chocolate instead of semisweet in the frosting next time. Do you have a brand that you would recommend? Thank you!

Happy, happy birthday, Michelle :) I always make a special treat for my birthday too. This cake looks amazing! The frosting is so unique with tje toasted marshmallows. Marshmallows make everything better. Hope you had a great day!

We loss our 15 year old daughter, Melissa. She was born with a heart defect and had 3 or 4 open heart surgeries from the time she was 3 days old until she was 4. When she was 6, we found out she was deaf. A year later she received a collclear insert. She could never talk, but could sign. Melissa was always happy and could light up a room with non signing people and charm them. At age 12 she developed adrenal gland cancer which killed her on August 20th 2015. Her heart condition limited her treatment options to an experimental radiation. After 2.5 years, her oncologist told us the treatments had to stop. Soon after that, hospice was started. This was a very sad day as the realization of her death hit my wife and I. I will always treasure my birthday because Melissa loved parties and this was the last on she attended. When she died at CHOP, my parents, sister and wife were at her bedside(a blessing). She was a happy girl and an inspiration. Even though her death was in August, the past two days I have been grieving and missing her. I have spent the last 2 afternoons looking at her photos and crying. I am trying to cope. Melissa was an inspiration to all that knew her. Thank you, Nick. e24fc04721

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