Component Overhaul

If you have parts that are obsolete, have no OEM support, or just need testing, we can help! We specialize in creating custom solutions to meet your specific needs.

What do we do?

A typical repair/refurbishment cycle looks as follows. When we receive your parts, the first thing we do is give them a thorough cleaning. Then, each part will be visually inspected for physical damage and other obvious issues. This also allows us to identify possible repairs. New parts are affixed with a traveler. This is a piece of paper that lists the part type, any issues, and an in house serial number for tracking purposes. Units that need repaired will be serviced following procedures developed by our engineers.

Once refurbishment is complete, parts are tested and re-qualified for field use. Testing verifies that all of the components are working properly. Additionally a life test is preformed to ensure functionality in the field. All parts are barcoded and logged in our comprehensive database. Refurbished parts will be packaged and shipped back to the re-qualified and ready to use.

Our Qualifications

Why should you choose us? Hapeman has decades of combined experience with engineering and test automation. Our experience allows us to create a custom test for just about anything. Our engineers can develop procedures for repairing parts that are no longer supported by their manufacturer. We can also preform a wide array of in house product and environmental testing. We carefully take the time to refurbish each individual part to their specific needs.

Example Process - GTO Gate Drivers

We currently service locomotive GTO gate drivers. Each one is first cleaned and then inspected for physical damage. They are then entered into our database with any sited issues. Physically damaged parts are torn down and fitted with replacement parts from our stock. Units without physical damage are then electrically tested in one of our custom test cabinets. If a part fails at any time in the tester, it is removed for assessment. If the part qualifies for a previously developed procedure, the part is repaired according to our engineer supplied documentation and retested. Once a part passes the electrical test, it is barcoded for tracking purposes. All the re-qualified parts are then placed into shipping boxes and returned to the customer.

Quality Standards

Process Control - To ensure quality, our engineers work hard to create procedures and processes for new parts. These procedures are documented with steps, part lists, and instructions detailing every step along the way. All of our soldering procedures follow and comply with IPC industry standards.

Data Control - All test and refurbishment data is stored in our local database. Each part gets its own in house serial number. This allows us to easily search for old records if a part returns or if data is requested by the customer.

Component Control - Our high quality replacement parts come from certified sellers.

Our shop is ISO compliant.
Not all parts can be repaired/re-qualified within the scope of work at Hapeman