
  • Congratulations to Aric Moilanen for pffers from four graduate schools: UMich, Rice University, UCalifornia-Irvine, and North Carolina. Well done, Aric.

  • Congratulations to Dr. Terletska for getting NSF CAREER award (2020-2025).

  • Welcome to our new member of the group Jaron (Fall 2019).

  • Congratulations to Aric Moilanen for being accepted to three REU physics program. Aric has chosen to go to University of Michigan (Summer 2019).

  • Congratulations to Aric Moilanen for getting MTSU URECA Scholar Award (Spring 2019) .

  • Congratulations to Kristin Barton for being excepted to University of Michigan grad school (Spring 2018).

  • Dr. Terletska received 2018-2020 KITP Scholar award. More information can be found here:

  • Kristin Barton (MTSU undergraduate student from our research group) is going to present a poster on her research at CUWiP conference in University of Virginia on January 12-14, 2018.

More information about the conference can be found here:

  • Two Physics Female Undergraduate Students Stephanie Lough and Kristin Barton shared their experience at CUWiP 2018 at UVa.

  • Feb 23, 2018 MTSU Physics and Astronomy Department hosts the Panel Discussion on REU and SULI Summer Research experience.

Organizers: Dr. Hanna Terletska, Dr. Chuck Higgins, Dr. Ron Henderson.

  • Feb 10th, 2018. MTSU Women in Physics Club organized the EYH physics workshop for the middle school girls " Physics Fun".

Amanda and Megan show non-Newtonian liquid demo for middle school students.

Josie Lyon liquid nitrogen demonstration.

My Experience at Undergraduate Women in Physics Conference CUWiP 2018.pdf

MTSU, Women in Physics Club: middle school physics workshop, 2018. From left to right: Josie Lyon, Stephanie Lough, Hanna Terletska, Kristin Barton, Shayanne Griffith, Eden Ross, Megan, Amanda.