
Strongly-correlated systems represent an important class of quantum materials. Nowadays, quantum materials (solids with exotic physical properties arising from the quantum mechanical properties of their constituents) are of great scientific and technological potential. Just as the discovery of Si has revolutionized the information technologies, the 21th century rise of "quantum materials" have the potential to revolutionize the energy- , storage-, and processing of data technologies. Moore’s Law enabled smaller, cheaper, faster electronic devices for five decades, but Si-based information technologies are now approaching physical limits set by dissipation, density, and speed. It will take a new paradigm like quantum materials to make the next technological leap.

A new family of quantum materials, including strongly-correlated systems, topological insulators, graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, and nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond, are at the forefront of recent scientific research. They are being explored for their unusual electronic, optical and magnetic properties with special interest in their potential uses for sensing, information processing and memory.

The control and understanding of electron-electron interactions is crucial for the design of materials with novel functionalities. In my research, I particularly focus on the study of the interaction-driven Mott metal insulator transitions, charge ordering, quantum critical behavior.

Quantum critical in Hubbard model.

Charge ordering in the extended Hubbard model.