
Drama Revision and Support

Below you will find resources you can use for revision and to help you with your drama course. Click on the document to download.

Scripted Exam

Below is the link to the page containing the revision resources for the scripted exam:

Scripted Exam

Helpful Documents

AAA Introduction.docx

Intro to Written Exam

BBB Images of stage types.pptx

Images of Stage Types

BBB Types of Stage explained.pptx

Types of Stage Explained

CCC Using pictures to represent scenes.pptx

Summarising Ideas in Images

CCC Storyboard master_Find Me.pptx

Creating Storyboards

Portfolio Support.docx

Devised Drama: Written Portfolio Support

Drama Sharepoint Files

You can access all the drama files that Mr Banks has put on sharepoint for you by clicking on the link below:

Exam questions

Composite_Non-natural sets_Thrust_Pros Arch Stage Qs April 2022.docx
Live Theatre Questions.docx

GCSE Live Theatre Questions

GCSE Drama Design Questions.docx

GCSE Drama Design Questions