So what is this whole thing?

Hi, my name is Phil and I started Hand-Drawn Game Guides in 2018. As I work at a computer all day, I was looking to come up with a project that I could work on that didn't require me looking at a screen. Inspired by the hand-drawn maps of early Nintendo Power, and homemade maps players would make, I decided to try and cover a full game with maps of my own. I chose Contra as the first book because it's a short game that I love. It felt doable. People liked the finished product and so I decided to keep rolling with them.

The goal was to always make four books and then step back and see where it could go after that. I did attempt a Kickstarter to create actual physical books of these guides, but it was unfortunately copyright claimed and I was not able to move ahead with that plan.

Since the cancelation of that campaign, I have been fortunate enough to create official mini guides for two different games. I thought both games were a great fit for Hand-Drawn Game Guides, one being an actual new NES game (Witch n' Wiz) and one for modern devices by with a soul of a NES game (Cathedral).

With the four books complete and the official stuff set to release soon, it's time to consider what is next for Hand-Drawn Game Guides.


Where can I get physical copies?

Unfortunately the second hand market is the only place you can get copies of some Hand-Drawn Game Guides. I was able to make some prints before the Kickstarter campaign which would always sell out. Some of those are floating around out there. As far as I can see they will never be printed again.

Can I print my own copies?

Lots of people have printed their own copies of these guides using various different platforms. I'm 100% cool with that and I love to see what people create. That said, it would be great if you did not print them only to flip them for your own benefit.

Will the Kickstarter ever come back?

Not likely. I actually did have some legal discussions, and while I COULD take the chance I have decided to move on from it. Who knows what the future holds though!

I want a Hand-Drawn Game Guide for my game, is that possible?

Sure! BUT I have to love your project, and then we can figure something out from there. If you're serious, please reach out to

Will you make anymore "Free" guides?

Probably not. They became a huge effort and while I loved making them I've decided to move on from those. That said, I'd love to keep this brand alive, so be on the lookout for possible new projects in the future.