Research interests & current projects

My interest in and knowledge of differential geometry and its discretizations comes primarily from my PhD research. During my stay at the TU Berlin I also worked a lot with spaces of constant curvature, and out of those mainly with the hyperbolic space.

I apply differential geometry to analyze algebraic objects called amoebas.  This is a joint project with Timo de Wolff.

I use spaces of constant curvature to investigate triangulations and homotopy reconstruction on higher-dimensional Riemannian manifolds. These are joint projects with, among others, Dominique Attali, André Lieutier, and Mathijs Wintraecken.

I also use spaces of constant curvature to gain insight into the theory of Bregman divergences, with the goal of extending persistent homology to work with this class of distance measures. This is a joint project with Herbert Edelsbrunner and Hubert Wagner.

Publications & preprints

Published and accepted articles

Published in workshop proceedings

Science communication & outreach articles

PhD thesis

Kouřimská, Hana. Polyhedral surfaces of constant curvature and discrete uniformization. May 2020.

Recordings of my talks