Who Am I?

Hi, I am Han Wang, a fourth-year PhD student in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Columbia University, advised by Prof.James Anderson. I am also working closely with Prof. Aritra Mitra. My research topics are federated learning, control, reinforcement learning, large-scale optimization, randomized numerical linear algebra.

I did my master in the Department of Applied Maths and Computational Science at University of Pennsylvania, where I was fortunately advised by Prof. Victor Preciado and Prof. Nikolai Matni from the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering.

You can find my CV and google scholar here.

email: hw2786@columbia.edu

Research Interests

My research interests lie in the intersection of Optimization, Learning and Control.

Some of the topics I am interested in:


Honors and Awards

Wei Family Scholarship (Departmental Fellowships for outstanding PhD students)

National Scholarship 

First Prize in the Chinese Mathematical Contest 

President Scholarship

Chinese Telecom Scholarship 

Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis

Meritorious Winner of The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling

Peer reviewer

International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)

Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (Neurips)

IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)

IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS)