Mae Sot cultures and traditions

Mae Sot district is an area where people of many races coexist, such as indigenous peoples and various ethnic groups like Thai Yai (many tribes), hill tribe people, Karen people, Hmong people, Myanmar people, including Thai Muslims and Thai people. And also, China has a variety of cultural traditions and different religions consists of Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Hindu-Sikh. The strength of Mae Sot district is all races and religions can coexist peacefully and people respect their differences. Religious leaders have a good relationship with each other in order to honor each other, including people in the Mae Sot district area who are accepting of diverse cultures and traditions but capable of blending cultures and traditions together. They are among the traditional way of culture's Thai Lanna and Thai Yai people, as well as hill tribe people of various ethnic groups, and have become a distinctive identity of Mae Sot district. As the result, it’s making have many traditions, cultures in Mae sot as the following:

1.Rice Porridge Tradition (Kuan Khao Thip)

Rice Porridge Tradition (Kuan Khao Thip) is a tradition that many Buddhists in the area participate in the ceremony at the Sak Thong temple in Mae Sot of every year. In the order to carry on the traditions so that such traditions are in tandem with the local people, inherited from generation to generation on the basis of Thai people. The people who will stir the rice must wear white clothes so that the rice to be distributed white, clean and pure. Then the villagers will share Khao Thip to eat for auspiciousness.

2. Paradise Market Tradition (Kad Sawan)

Paradise Market Tradition (Kad Sawan) is held in November of every year at Mae Sod Na Dan Temple (Wat Luang), Mae Sot district, Tak province. It is a tradition that has been around for a long time from the concepts and beliefs of Buddhism that have been told that after the Buddhist Lent. The Buddha came down from heaven, especially on the full moon day of the twelfth month, which coincides with Loy Krathong Day, Thai Yai people will prepare sweet and savory dishes consist of local food such as orange rice, Gan Jin rice, Krabong Chor, Khao Soi, Kanom Sen Kaeng Yuak, Ja San, Halawa- Seng Pe, which villagers will prepare and bring them at the temple, and bringing food to parade around village for everyone who joins the event and perform a food offering ceremony to the Buddha during the daytime.

3. Chao Por Phawo Ceremony

Chao Por Phawo Ceremony will be held every year from December 1 to 10. And the people of Mae Sot district will hold a celebration of Chao Pho Phawo.

4. Khao Mai Hmong Tradition

Khao Mai Hmong is a tradition that has been passed down since the era of the great-grandfather generation, and the Hmong believe that they must raise their grandfather's spirits - ghosts of grandmothers because the grandfather-ghost spirits have taken good care of each family's family in the previous year. As a result, new rice is planted in order to offer sacrifices. Every year in the month of October, Khun Phi Pu-Phi YA and all of them will eat new rice. It is rice that has been planted specifically for the purpose of offering to Phi Pu-Phi YA. The fruit will then ripen between September and early October.