Working papers

The Expectations of Others [Cleveland Fed WP]

with Ezequiel Garcia-Lembergman, John Leer, Mathieu Pedemonte, and Raphael Schoenle

Predictable Forecast Errors in Full-Information Rational Expectations Models with Regime Shifts (new draft!)

with André Kurmann 

Mis-specified Forecasts and Myopia in an Estimated New Keynesian Model [Cleveland Fed WP]

Revise and resubmit, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics

Low Passthrough from Inflation Expectations to Income Growth Expectations: Why People Dislike Inflation [Cleveland Fed WP]

with Edward Knotek, John Leer, Mathieu Pedemonte, Robert Rich, Raphael Schoenle

Coverage: Bloomberg, CNN, Brookings 


with Edward Knotek, John Leer, Mathieu Pedemonte, Robert Rich, Raphael Schoenle

Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming

Wealth Effects, Price Markups, and the Neo-Fisherian Hypothesis [Cleveland Fed WP], [Online Appendix]

with Marco Airaudo, August 2023, European Economic Review, 157, 104482.

Consistent Expectations Equilibria in Markov Regime Switching Models and Inflation Dynamics

with Marco Airaudo, November 2021, International Economic Review, 62(4), 1401-1430.

Work in progress

Consistent Expectations Equilibria with Imperfect Common Knowledge: Implications for the Forward Guidance 

with Marco Airaudo

Monetary Policy and Asset Prices with Infinite Horizon Learning

with Marco Airaudo 


The Fundamental Group of SO(n) Via Quotients of Braid Groups

with Orlin Stoytchev