A spin or the the 1967 Human Bein poster by Stanley Mouse...
Welcome Home Peaceniks!
HAIGHTASHBURY fundraiser for an online arts FESTival and AR game. Curated online arts and music channels and shopping online and in AR and AT real time art gallery in Haight Ashbury. Income platforms for San Francisco artists and creators. Year round celebration of arts, music, ideas and shoppinG for artist designed stuff. Rebooting the arts economies in San Francisco. The eclectic multi-choice platform UX is designed by GigsList.info to fit the eclectic followings and MAIL of Haight Ashbury. This DOT is Haight Ashbury, different and weird! COM
Buy art at the Gallery! Proceeds go to Haight Ashbury Festival
Sponsor or donate to Haight Ashbury Festival or buy art use the code above. Say what you see! (HAIGHT ASHBURY FEST is one word.)
Art donations are required to have authenticity and appraisal certificates, provenances and clear high resolution photos.
We are not taking music and entertainment or talent submissions at this time. Getting the festival funded and setup first. Almost ready!