
COVID Protocols and Procedures

Below is the COVID-19 section of the Hagerstown Little League approved safety (ASAP) plan (full plan follows this section). Hagerstown Little League is following the general guidance of the CDC, Wayne County Health Department, and follows the same contact tracing and quarantining guidelines as used by the Nettle Creek School Corporation.

This means that coaches, players and volunteers should:

  • NOT attend practices or games if they are not feeling well

  • Quarantine for 14 days following the last close-contact to COVID-19. Individuals who are fully-vaccinated (received their final vaccination dose at least 14 days in the past) do not need to quarantine.

  • Isolate for 10 days following the start of symptoms or a positive COVID-19 test.

Additional highlights of changes for the 2021 season:

  • No food, gum, or sunflower seeds in the dugout or on the playing field. Snacks (prepackaged only) may be provided to the players after the game and outside of the dugout. Drinks and bottles should be kept to an individual.

  • Players and coaches should social distance (3 feet apart) while in the dugout, or should wear masks where that is not possible. Masks not required for Tee Ball players, however any player may wear a mask if they wish - on or off the field.

  • NO handshakes or high-fives between opposing teams following the games. This will be replaced with a 'Tip of the Hat' gesture to congratulate the other team on a good game.

  • Hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, and sanitizing spray will be provided in each dugout. Coaches and players should sanitize hands regularly, and use the sanitizing wipes to wipe down shared equipment, such as catchers gear, between uses. High-touch areas such as gate latches should be sprayed with sanitizer spray between games.

  • Baseballs for games should be sanitized between innings.

  • Concession stand offerings will be limited to primarily items that do not require preparation, or that can be prepared ahead of time into closed containers.

For full details of all guidelines, see the COVID-19.pdf document below. For any questions or feedback, please use the contact form.

Safety Plan

Below is the Hagerstown Little League approved safety (ASAP) plan. Please refer to this document for information regarding safety, medical emergencies, weather, facilities, and safety contact information.

HLL Safety Plan 2021.pdf