
“The Rules” - DOCKS, SEAWALLS and SAND

 Per part 301 of Act 451 of 1994:

“Construction of any type of shore stabilization structure such as a sea wall, bulkhead, revetment, etc. at or below the ordinary high water mark of a lake or stream requires a permit.

Permanent Docks or Permanent Boat Hoists: Permanent docks or boat hoists which are left in year around require a permit. Seasonal docks and hoists do not require a permit if they are for private, non-commercial use by a landowner, do not unreasonably interfere with the use of the water by others, do not interfere with water flow and will not be placed in wetlands.

Beach Sanding: Placement of sand, pea stone, or other clean fill below (waterward) of the water line requires a permit. A reasonable amount of sand may be placed landward of the water line without a permit as long as the sand does not shift the location of the existing ordinary high water mark or the shoreline contour. The sand cannot be placed in a wetland.”

Questions regarding this subject can be addressed by calling Michigan DNRE, at 231-876-4442.