Update Information

2023/10/16 | Updated streaming schedule for the end half of October.

2023/10/02 | Updated streaming schedule for the first half of October.

2023/09/18 | Updated streaming schedule for the end half of September.

2023/09/01 | Updated streaming schedule for the first half of September.

2023/08/14 | Updated streaming schedule for the end half of August.

2023/08/02 | Updated streaming schedule for the first half of August. Updated about the summer project.

2023/07/17 | Updated streaming schedule for the end half of July.

2023/07/03 | Updated streaming schedule for the first half of July. TOP image of the minecraft life server has been updated.

2023/06/15 | Updated streaming schedule for the end half of June.

2023/05/31 | Updated streaming schedule for the first half of June.

2023/05/14 | Updated streaming schedule for the end half of May.

2023/05/01 | Updated streaming schedule for the first half of May.

2023/04/16 | Updated streaming schedule for the end half of April.

2023/04/03 | Updated streaming schedule for the first half of April.

2023/03/15 | Updated streaming schedule for the end half of March.

2023/02/27 | Updated streaming schedule for the first half of March.

2023/02/13 | Updated streaming schedule for the end half of February.

2023/01/30 | Updated streaming schedule for the first half of February.

2023/01/15 | Home, Habotan! has updated its members' descriptions about.

2022/12/29 | Information on the 3rd anniversary distribution has been updated.

2022/02/26 | Habotan! Logo changed.

2021/12/20 | Added page on 2nd anniversary distribution.

2021/08/05 | Updated the page for the 2nd 24-hour streaming.

2020/12/20 | Added a page for the 1st anniversary broadcast.

2020/10/25 | A radio summary page has been added.

2020/10/20 | Radio page has been added. 

2020/10/14 | An English version of the site has been added. 

2020/10/04 | Site update information have been added.

2020/10/02 | A site map has been added to the footer.

2020/09/26 | The architecture of the uncool building tournament has been added.

2020/09/21 | We've added a summary of the media we broadcast in. 

2020/09/19 | A survey has been added to the events we held.

2020/09/18 | Added building locations for participants in the event.

2020/09/14 | Rules for upcoming events have been added.