Minecraft Escape Drama

What is an escape play ...

Escape drama is ... As the name suggests, it is a drama.
The player is an actor. The field is the stage.
Each has a role, but "there is no script"
Please play freely to achieve your goal.

Will you help your friends and become a hero ... Will you push towards your goals without seeing others ...

Who will reach the goal and become the winner ... Who will be defeated by the enemy and become the loser ...

It's all up to you

No one knows what the end will be
Please enjoy yourself as an actor.
※Only Java Edition can participate. The version is 1.15.1.

Demon castle town version

About game progress

The castle will open 30 seconds after the game starts.

Momotaro and his friends should find the five keys to the treasure house hidden in the town and press the button.

When the treasure chest in the castle opens, steal the Oni treasure inside.

If you board the ship anchored at the initial point with the demon's treasure, you will reach the goal.

The Oni can defeat Momotaro and others and put them in jail. On the contrary, Momotaro and others can rescue the companions sent to the dungeon..

Chests can be found in various places in towns and castles. It contains food and help items, so please try to find it.

* The role of the demon will be decided by the admin.

* There is a warp gate dedicated to demons in a specific place. Please note that it cannot be used for the Momotaro camp.

About victory conditions

Momotaro team: Steal the demon's treasure within the time limit and win if you board the ship

Demon team: Put all Momotaro teams in prison within the time limit. Or, do not let the Momotaro team board the ship until the time limit expires

※Oni…Japanese version of the daemon

---Momotaro team---


A kind person who feeds his friends, not himself. He also gave a kind person a weapon.

  • I'm not hungry

  • Have more food than your peers



  • 好物の骨

  • 移動速度が少し早い

  • ジャンプができない

食いしん坊でお腹がすぐに減っちゃう。 不思議な果汁は、昔もらった宝物らしい。

  • 不思議な果汁を持っている

  • 常に空腹


  • ジャンプ力が高い

  • 移動速度が少し遅い




  • 鬼の棍棒を持っている

  • 足が速い




  • 鬼の金棒を持っている

  • 鬼神の血を瓶に詰めて持っている



  • 鬼の弓を持っている



  • 鬼神の矛

  • 鬼の真珠!他の鬼より多く持っている



  • きびだんご

Food. Let's eat carefully


  • 好物の骨

If you hold it in your hand, your legs will be a little faster.


  • 不思議な果汁

Increases movement speed and jumping power.


  • 鬼の真珠

You can warp where you throw it.

  • 人肉

Food. Let's eat carefully.


  • 鬼の棍棒

It has low attack power and has a knockback.


  • 鬼の金棒

High attack power

  • 鬼の血

One-shot deadly residual type SP potion. Defeat even the devil.


  • 鬼の弓

High attack power. infinite


  • 鬼神の矛

High attack power. Even if you throw it, it will come back immediately

☆A look at the escape drama☆