
Research Interests

Analytic Number Theory
Riemann Zeta function, Dirichlet and Hecke L functions
Zero-density and zero-free regions
Distribution of prime numbers
Chebotarev’s density theorem
Explicit Results


Preprints and other work

In preparation




Summer School Inclusive Paths in Analytic Number Theory, online, Aug 23-27 2021, Organizing team and plenary speaker:
Prime Numbers and Riemann Zeta Function (3 lectures).

Amicale de theorie des nombres en hommage a Robert Langlands, CMS 75+1 th anniversary Summer Meeting, online/Ottawa, Ideaux premiers dans le theoreme de densite de Chebotarev pour tous les corps de nombres, June 7-11 2021, Invited Speaker.

Organization of events (2021-present)