special guest: Jeffrey Cheatham II


Hero's journey chart: Cycles between struggle, call to action, growth, death/rebirth, and return changed.

To start writing:


Giselle is a young girl with long brown hair and big brown eyes and a HUGE imagination.

One day, her teacher asked Giselle what she wanted to be when she grows up.

She thinks for a moment, "I don't know."

"Well," her teacher said, "what do you like to do?"

This is one question Giselle couldn't answer right away. And she always has all the answers!

So, Giselle goes home. She usually tells Mama and Papa all about her day. Today she was quiet.

"You're quiet today," says Papa.

"Something on your mind?" asks Mama.

Giselle nods. "My teacher asked me what I want to be when I grow up."

Papa syas that Giselle can be anything she likes, and Mama agrees. Giselle thinks that's too much! She likes to do everything! She cannot possibly be anything!

"That's not true," Mama says. "That just means you have more options."

Options... So that means...