power & voice of feminist writing

Levi Gutierrez, 2024

University of Washington, Bothell

BA in Educational Studies

Minor in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies

view the rest of my framing essay "feminist writing, voice, and power" here.

“Power and Voice of Feminist Writing” serves as my feminist writing portfolio, filled with workshop drafts and revised pieces of this quarter-long endeavor. While these acts were self-fulfilling and ultimately healing to my creative side, I discovered that I not only wrote for myself but others who are struggling to reconnect with their identities and passion through voice. My chosen revised pieces “Chicanas, Lesbians, and Queer Resistance,” “TLUV” and “Why Pre-Major Works Matter” (2024) work as windows into my soul-filled passion for uplifting hidden voices through various means: Academic writing, poetry, and public scholarship writing for an academic audience.  

quick links

if you are only interested in the revised pieces

490 Chicanas, Lesbians, and Queer Resistance.pdf

Chicanas, Lesbians, and Queer Resistance


BIS490 Poetry_ TLUV.pdf



BIS490 Pre-Major Works.pdf

Why Pre-Major Works Matter

Feminist Digital Center