At the end of colonization, after a dark period of genocide in the 1970s, Cambodia is struggling to catch up.

Cambodians are trying to build a future. They show a lot of courage, dignity, and resilience to get by. Cambodia is called the "Land of smiles".

There are nearly 8 million children to educate, that's half the population.

The country cannot provide more than half a day of school for young children. To remedy this situation, many private paying schools have been created. Poor children, or those of modest means, unfortunately do not have access to such establisments.

The FKC "Future for Khmer Children" school in Siem Reap, welcome these children the other half day to train them in English, computers studies, music and traditional dance.

It is currently this school that we are trying to help as a priority, as well as the "Khmer New Generation Organization" school in Battambang.

We are frequently told that rich countries also have their "poors". This is true. But in those countries, a child will always get food, and a school. For a part of the population of Cambodia, this is no longer a reality especially concerning food.