The question of bicycles is one of those which arose the most quickly. 

Children are exhausted going to school, sometimes living 7 km away from it, or cannot be educated because of the prohibative distance between school and home.

Visiting the KNGO school in Battambang for the first time, we offered to start our partnership by purchasing 10 bikes for the children.

Thanks in part to a subsidy from the Town Hall of "Le Cannet des Maures Var", we were able to deliver these 10 bikes in late December 2020.

A bicycle is one of the first wishes of sponsored children. It is an important change in the life of the child. The bike is used by several children in the same family. It is a great investment.

The bikes we offer to children are second hand, but completely reconditioned almost like new. Such a bike costs around 55 €.

We always have requests for bicycles to go to school.

Sometimes we have to make crowdfundings for children with reduced mobility to provide suitable electric scooters/