

Guillermo Peña was the second best student of the 120 licentiates in the Economics Degree for 2009-2013 at the University of Zaragoza (Unizar: Saragossa, Spain), where he also achieved the Extraordinary Prize for the best grade in the Master of Economics Research. He attended and participated in a Summer School at the Georgia State University (Atlanta, US) in 2016. Additionally, he was research visitor of the University of Oslo for three months in 2017 and obtained a Cum Laude International PhD in Economics from Unizar in 2018. The researcher was employed at the Ibercaja Bank Headquarters for almost two years, at the Financial and Risk Management Areas. Currently, he is Assistant Professor at the Department of Economic Analysis from Unizar, researcher of the Institute for Employment, Digital Economy and Sustainability (IEDIS) and member of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES). He has published 40 papers, mainly in prestigious journals as the National Tax Journal or Applied Economics. He has also been reviewer of journals as the Cambridge Journal of Economics or Journal of Economic Studies. His research fields include, but are not limited to, Urban, Environmental, Public Economics and Finance.