
I published in most major journals in astronomy and you can find a complete list of my publications here on the ADS:

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First authored papers published in peer-reviewed science journals

"Gravitational lensing effects of supermassive black holes in cluster environments"

Mahler, G.; Natarajan, P.; Jauzac, M.; Richard, J.

Accepted to MNRAS, Arxiv ID: 2201.10900

Dedicated Webpage: here

Short Summary: In this study, we explore the gravitational lensing effects of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) residing in galaxy clusters. While most galaxies are expected to harbour central SMBHs, recent work from high-resolution simulations predicts an additional population of wandering SMBHs. The masses of these SMBHs are a minor perturbation but can lead to detectable observational signatures, we find detectable signatures via rare, higher-order strong lensing image configurations. Here, we investigate specific cases of lensed image geometries and report (i) positional asymmetries in multiply imaged galaxies; (ii) the generation of extra images; (iii) the production of magnification asymmetries; and (iv) the apparent disappearance of a counter-image in a lensed system. Image splitting inside the cluster tangential critical curve is likely the most prevalent notable observational signature. Future observations with high-resolution instrumentation (e.g. MAVIS-Very Large Telescope, MICADO-Extremely Large Telescope, and the upgraded ngVLA, along with data from the EUCLID \& Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescopes and the Rubin LSST Observatory are likely to allow us to probe these unique SMBHs lensing signatures.

"Strong Lensing Model of SPT-CL J0356-5337, a Major Merger Candidate at Redshift 1.0359"

Mahler, G; Sharon, K; Gladders, M. D.; Bleem, L.; Bayliss, M. B.; Calzadilla, M. S.; Floyd, B.; Khullar, G.; and 5 others

Published in ApJ - arxiv link here

Short summary: In this paper, we study an amazing cluster at redshift 1 that show strong lensing evidence! It is quite rare to show cluster size lensing evidence at that redshift. Doing the model we've discovered that it might be a major merger (more on that coming soon in another paper!) and that its oversubstructre contains nearly a third of its total mass. That's huge, because we think this cluster formed much earlier and should be somehow mature at that time, mainly growing through satellite accretion.

"RELICS: Strong Lensing Analysis of MACS J0417.5-1154 and Predictions for Observing the Magnified High-redshift Universe with JWST."

Mahler, G.; Sharon, Keren; Fox, Carter; Coe, Dan; Jauzac, Mathilde; Strait, Victoria; Edge, Alastair; and 34 others

Published in ApJ - arxiv link here

"Strong lensing analysis of Abell 2744 with MUSE and Hubble Frontier Fields images."

Mahler, G.; Richard, J.; Clément, B.; Lagattuta, D.; Schmidt, K.; Patrício, V.; and 10 others

Published in MNRAS - arxiv link here

All publications

Other documented artefacts

2017 -présentPylenstool Software development,

Abell 2744,Online Processed Data Sharing: Reduced MUSE cube on cluster Abell2744 and redshifts catalog,

Abell 2744,Online Processed Data Sharing:Strong lensingmass models as part of the Hubble Frontier Fields challenge,

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