Spreading science


Video realization for the year of the light. Explaining how to color identification to to target and identify gravitationally lensed galaxies

"2 min on how I use light for my work" (french) - you can activate the auto-translation subtitles if you watch the video in the youtube website directly

Outreach for the inauguration of a mediatheque. Scientific rewriting of child story of "Le petit Prince" by Antoine de St Exupery. (French)


Conference a Lyon science festical (French)


In my teaching I really trying to assist and train students in developing appropriate study skills (guidance on reading and note-taking, skills on using the Internet, computer assisted learning programs, etc) in order for them to complete the course effectively. Designing, Marking and Commenting on Student Assignments

Teaching for undergraduate in Physics

University of Durham - University of Michigan - University of Lyon 1 - Lab demonstrator - UK :

2015 - 2022

244 hours - 6 groups - 10 students per group. As a lab instructor, my responsibilities include reviewing recorded videos of the experiment, lecturing on content, getting students engaged in laboratory activities, monitoring student work, asking students questions to guide them, and evaluating/grading their reports. When preparing a lab assignment, I take a moment to view it from a student’s perspective.

Guest Lecturer - U.S.A.:


4 hours - 2 class of 2 hours for undergraduate with minor in Astrophysics. For one class, I was in charge of the full content of the chapter on one of my expertise: gravitational lensing. For the other class, I have delivered a course on the expansion of the universe.

Tutor - France:

2014 - 2017

244 hours - 25 students. 1st&2nd years physics courses and scientific literature search. As part of the tutoring, I valued individual communication with students to facilitate students learning of new content adequately. I interpreted and implemented the teaching- learning guidelines prepared for each tutorial session by the Course Coordinator and to conduct the necessary activities within the time span allocated. Assist students to become independent, collaborative learners and developing appropriate study skills (guidance on reading and note- taking, skills on using the Internet, computer assisted learning programs, etc). I also designed, Marked, gave feedback to some student assignments.