On October 28, 2021, after months and months of tireless efforts by UMD students, faculty members, and local residents to save Guilford Woods, President Darryll Pines announced that the University of Maryland "will pause current planning on the Western Gateway development."  This is incredible news because it means that the proposed deforestation of Guilford Woods is now on hold. However, there is still much work to be done to ensure that Guilford Woods and Guilford Run stream are permanently protected. So while we thank President Pines for this great decision and celebrate the news with tremendous relief, our efforts continue! In particular, we are now mobilizing to oppose the current draft of the Adelphi Road-UMGC-UMD Purple Line Station Area Sector Plan, which proposes zoning changes that threaten Guilford Woods

Take Action

The Adelphi Road Sector Plan will be discussed at a Prince George’s County Planning Board virtual meeting on Thursday, April 7, at 10am. This is an important meeting because the planning board will present staff recommendations based on the public testimony submitted in response to the preliminary draft of the Adelphi Road Sector Plan. In other words, this meeting will give us a sense of what, if any, changes are likely to be made in the ARSP and how they will affect the future of Guilford Woods. Public testimony will not be taken at this meeting. However, you can watch the meeting here: https://www.mncppc.org/883/Watch-Meetings

Other actions you can take: