Published Papers

71. The effects of Italy's Unification on its dual development: A Synthetic Control approach

(with G. Barone, D. Chilosi, and C. Ciccarelli), European Review of Economic History, 2025

70. Politically connected cities: Italy 1951-1991

(with G. Barone and E. Gentili). Journal of Urban Economics, 2025

69.  Pirate Attacks and the Shape of the Italian Urban System

(with A. Accetturo and Michele Cascarano). Regional Science and Urban Economics2024

68. Government Transfers and Votes for State Intervention 

(with G. Albanese and L. Incoronato), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2024

67. The impact of Place-based Policies on Income Distribution 

(with G. Albanese and G. Barone). Economica, 2023

66. The legacy of 1968 student protests on political preferences 

(with G. Barone and S. Poy), Economic Letters, 2022

65.  Predicting Corruption Crimes with Machine Learning. A Study for the Italian Municipalities 

(with A. D'Ignazio and M. Letta), Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2022

64. Machine Learning in the Service of Policy Targeting: The Case of Public Credit Guarantees 

(with M. Andini, M. Boldrini, E. Ciani, A. D'Ignazio, A. Paladini), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2022

63. A Freeway to Prosperity? Evidence from Calabria, South of Italy 

(with E. Ciani and S. Poy), Economics of Transportation, 2022

62. Populist Voting and Losers’ Discontent: Does Redistribution Matter? 

(with G. Albanese and G. Barone), European Economic Review, 2022

61 . History and regional policy: some reflections on Italy’s Cassa per il Mezzogiorno 

(with A. Accetturo), Review of Regional Research, 2022


60. Industrialization, turnout, and left-wing vote 

(with G. Albanese), Economic Letters, 2021

59.  Urbanization and firm access to credit

(with A. Carmignani, C. Demma, and A. D'Ignazio), Journal of Regional Science, 2021

58. Regional policy in the machine learning era: opportunities and challenges

(with A. D'Ignazio) Scienze Regionali - Italian Journal of Regional Science (invited paper), 2021

57. Anything new in town? The local effects of urban regeneration policies in Italy

(with G. Albanese and E. Ciani) Regional Science and Urban Economics, 86, published online 2021

56. Massive earthquakes, risk aversion and entrepreneurship

(with M. De Paola, S. Poy, and V. Scoppa) Small Business economics, published online 2020

55. How do house prices respond to mortgage supply?

(with G. Barone, F. David, and S. Mocetti) Journal of Economic Geography, published online 2020

54. Does EU regional policy promote local TFP growth? Evidence from the Italian Mezzogiorno

(with G. Albanese and A. Locatelli) Papers in Regional Science, published online 2020

53. Redistributive public employment? A test for the South of Italy

(with M. Auricchio, E. Ciani, A. Dalmazzo) Economics Letters, 186, published online 2020.

52. Lost in Corruption. Evidence from EU Funding to Southern Italy

(with I. De Angelis and L. Rizzica) Italian Economic Journal, 6, 2020, 355-377

51. Cohesion Policy Incentives for Collaborative Industrial Research. The Evaluation of a Smart Specialisation Forerunner Programme

 (with R. Crescenzi and M. Giua) Regional Studies, 54:10, 2020, 1341-1353

50. Till localism do us part? Cultural identity and the cost of separation

(with A. Dalmazzo) Regional Science Policy et Practice, 11:5, 2019, 757:876

49. Universalism vs particularism: a roundtrip from sociology to economics

(with D. Scalise and P. Sestito) Review of Social Economy, published online 2019.

48. Life after public employment retrenchment: evidence from Italian municipalities

(with M. Auricchio, E. Ciani, and A. Dalmazzo) Journal of Economic Geography, 20:3, 2019, 733-782

47. A ticket to ride. Education and migration from lagging areas

(with G. Barone and A. d’Alessandro) Papers in Regional Science,  98:5, 2019, 1893-1902

46. Spatial equilibrium in deviations: An application to skill-premium and skill-mix heterogeneity

(with A. Accetturo and A. Dalmazzo) Journal of Regional Science, 59:4, 2019, 615-632

45. Effects of the joint custody law in Italy

( with D. Vuri) Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 16:3, 2019, 479-514

44. Local Responses to Labor Demand Shocks: A Re-assessment of the Case of Italy

(with E. Ciani and F. David) Regional Science and Urban Economics, 75, 2019, 1-21

43. Dymanics of urban growth: Italy, 1951-2011 

(with A. Accetturo and Michele Cascarano) Economia Politica, 36:2, 2019,  373–398 

42. Incentives to local public service provision: An evaluation of Italy's Obiettivi di Servizio

(with G. Barone, A. D'Ignazio, and A. Salvati) Papers in Regional Science, 98:2, 2019, 1195-1213

41. Public Guarantees to SME Borrowing. A RDD Evaluation 

(with S. De Mitri, A. D'Ignazio, P. Finaldi Russo, L. Stoppani) Journal of Banking and Finance, 96, 2018, 73-86 

40. Targeting with Machine Learning: An application to a tax rebate program in Italy 

(with M. Andini, E. Ciani, A. D’Ignazio and V. Salvestrini) Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 156, 2018, 86-102

39. Local secessions, homophily, and growth. A model with some evidence from the regions of Abruzzo and Molise (Italy, 1963)

(with A. Dalmazzo and S. Poy) Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 151, 2018, 284-306

38. The real effects of credit crunch in the great recession: Evidence from Italian provinces

(with G. Barone and S. Mocetti) Regional Science and Urban Economics, 70, 2018, 352-359 

37. Trust, risk and time preferences: evidence from survey data

(with G. Albanese and P. Sestito) International Review of Economics, 64:4, 2017, 367-388

36. The size of political jurisdictions: A model with some evidence from a fascist consolidation

(with M. Andini and A. Dalmazzo) Journal of Comparative Economics, 45:4, 2017, 889-909

35. Historical Legacy and Policy Effectiveness: the Long-Term Influence of pre-Unification Borders in Italy 

(with G. D'Adda) Journal of Regional Science, 57:2, 2017, 319-341

34. The impactof Local Wage Regulation on Employment: A Border Analysis from Italy in the 1950s

(with S. Poy) Journal of Regional Science, 57:1, 2017, 48-74

33. Down and out in Italian towns: Measuring the impact of economic downturns on crime

(with G. Maggio and C. Menon) Economics Letters, 146, 2016, 99-102

32. Boulevard of Broken Dreams. The ends of the EU funding (1997: Abruzzi, Italy)

(with G. Barone and F. David) Regional Science and Urban Economics, 60, 2016, 31-38

31. Mr. Rossi, Mr. Hu and the politics. The role of immigration in shaping natives’ political preferences

(with G. Barone, A. D'Ignazio, and P. Naticchioni) Journal of Public Economics, 136, 2016, 1-13

30. Civic Capital and Development, Italy 1951-2001

(with G. Albanese) Politica economica - Journal of Economic Policy, XXXII:1, 2016, 47-64

29. My parents taught Me. Evidence on the family transmission of values

(with G. Albanese and P. Sestito) Journal of Population Economics, 29:2, 2016, 571-592

28. Local development that money cannot buy: Italy’s Contratti di Programma

(with M. Andini) Journal of Economic Geography, 16:2, 2016, 365-393

27. Evaluating the impact of innovation incentives: evidence from an unexpected shortage of funds

(with D. Fantino and G. Pellegrini) Industrial and Corporate Change, 24:6, 2015, 1285-1314

26. European structural funds during the crisis: evidence from Southern Italy

(with E. Ciani) IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 4:20, 2015

25. Getting stable: an evaluation of the incentives for permanent contracts in Italy

(with E. Ciani) IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 4:6, 2015

24. A Tale of an Unwanted Outcome: Transfers and the Local Endowments of Trust and Cooperation

(with A. Accetturo and L. Ricci) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 102, 2014, 74–89

23. Who Trusts Others More? A Cross-European Study

(with G. Albanese) Empirica, 41:4, 2014, 803-820

22. Skill Polarization in Local Labor Markets Under Share-Altering Technical Change

(with A. Accetturo and A. Dalmazzo) Journal of Regional Science, 54:2, 2014, 249–272

21. Shared Origins and Fertility: An Empirical Study for Italy

(with M. Omiccioli) Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, XVIII:3, 2013, 395-416

20. Marshallian Labor Market Pooling: Evidence from Italy

(with M. Andini, G. Duranton, and W. Strange) Regional Science and Urban Economics, 43:6, 2013, 1008-1022

19. Electoral Rules and Voter Turnout

(with G. Barone) International Review of Law and Economics, 36, 2013, 25-35

18. Policies for Local Development: an Evaluation of Italy’s “Patti Territoriali”

(with A. Accetturo) Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42:1–2, 2012, 15-26

17. Local Effects of Manufacturing Employment Growth in Italy

(with C. Menon) Giornale deli Economisti e Annali di Economia, 70:3, 2011, 101-112

16. Amenities and skill-biased agglomeration effects: Some results on Italian cities

(with A. Dalmazzo) Papers in Regional Science, 90:3, 2011, 503-527

15. North-South Imbalances: Policies in a Spatial Equilibrium

(with A. Accetturo and A. Dalmazzo) Giornale deli Economisti e Annali di Economia, 69:2, 2010, 3-36

14. Individual Determinants of Social Behavior

(with G. Nuzzo) Journal of Socio-Economics, 39:4, 2010, 466-473

13. Historical traditions of civicness and local economic development

(with G. Nuzzo) Journal of Regional Science, 50:4, 2010, 833-857

12. Distance and Internet banking

in The Changing Geography of Banking and Finance (eds. P.  Alessandrini, M. Fratianni e A. Zazzaro), 2009, Springer

11. Measuring the district effect

(with M. Omiccioli e F. Signorini) in The Handbook of industrial district (eds. G. Beccattini,  M. Bellandi e L. De Propis), 2009, Edward Elgar Publisher

10. Does the expansion of higher education increase the equality of educational opportunities? Evidence from Italy

(with M. Bratti and D. Checchi) Labour, 22:s1, 2008, 53-88

09. Urban-rural differences in internet usage, e-commerce, and e-banking: Evidence from Italy

Growth and Change, 39:2, 2008, 341-367

08. The effectiveness of investment subsidies: Evidence from survey data

(with L. Cannari and L. D’Aurizio) Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, XII:3, 2007, 329-346

07. Social returns to education in Italian local labor markets

(with A. Dalmazzo) Annals of Regional Science, 41:1, 2007, 51-69

06. Production and consumption externalities of human capital: An empirical study for Italy

(with A. Dalmazzo) Journal of Population Economics, 20:2, 2007, 359-382

05. Evaluating the Impact of Investment Incentives: The Case of Italy’s Law 488/1992

(with R. Bronzini) Journal of Urban Economics, 60:2, 2006, 327-349

04. Do Workers Benefit from Industrial Agglomeration?

(with S. Di Addario) Journal of Regional Science, 45:4, 2005, 797-827

03. Does Trade Credit Substitute Bank Credit? Evidence from Firm-level Data

Economic Notes, 34:1, 2005, 85-112

02. Resources and Incentives to Reform

(with A. Dalmazzo) IMF Staff Papers, 50:2, 2003, 250-273

01. Development of Italian Regions: The Role of Human Capital

(with G. Coppola and M. Gallo) RISEC, XLV:3, 1998, 543-561