1. Clean and Safe water

Water is very important to human existence. People need clean water to survive and stay healthy. Lack of clean water contributes to the high mortality rates in children around the world. Despite of its importance, still the access to water remains a major challenge in many countries including Tanzania. Tanzanians are still faced with water shortages with 45.5% accessing water from unimproved sourced (DHS, 2010).

Insufficient water supply coverage impacts most, severely on the poor in both urban and rural. The poor make their own, often insufficient arrangements to meet their needs for basic survival. Most end up fetching water over long arduous distances, others are forced to pay high prices and in some cases with poor quality supplied to them by venders particularly in cities



 Guide Me Initiatives (G.M.I) collaborates with other stakeholders in working for child welfare in Tanzania.

   Guide Me Initiatives (G.M.I) deals with protection, promotion of the rights of children and prevention of violence against children. We work closely with children in and out of school, focusing mainly on children between the ages of 10 – 17 years. Since 2020, we have initiated different programs to enhance rights of children, society participation in matters to protection of children from violence and abusive acts, and advocacy against oppressing behaviors, attitudes and cultural practices. We aim at increasing society and children capacity to prevent and respond to violence against children (VAC) through training and awareness rising.

With this regard, we have the following objectives:

·        To increase children’s awareness on their rights (legal and constitutional) 

·        To improve children’s knowledge on the types and extent of violence against children and its consequences 

·        To build capacity of the available service providers to enhance response to violence against children

·        To develop children’s skills in and out of schools to improved health, confidence and self-realization

·        To promote children participation in allied platforms as a mechanism for promoting their right

·        To achieve these objectives, we raise awareness; deliver knowledge, skills through child-related interventions mainly in school-based programmers through which we:

·        Develop effective child safeguarding policy for internal staff members, education institutions, religious institutions, law enforcement institutions and other key actors. The policy is child right centered and is mainstreamed into all GMI programs.

Have established children clubs (Violence Prevention Clubs) within schools that supports children to become together, share and air their opinions, challenges especially on violence affecting them while in school.


Mental ship is a program developed by GMI specifically to help youth who are in the age group of physical and mental growing, program that will help youth to have self-awareness physically and mentally.

It is also a plan that will help promote unity and cooperation between the youths, teachers and parents in monitoring the real life information of our youth in the streets they live in and know the challenges that these youth face.

Believing that our young generations are the workforce for our tomorrow world, GMI is committed to provide psychological education in our Tanzanian schools by managing the policy of good education resulting from good environment with good physical and mental health.

With this regard, we have the following objectives:

·        To build confidence and friendly procedure to talk to their parents or guardian about the challenges they are going through.

·        Building the foundations of financial management for all youth of secondary school level and advanced level

·        To monitor their family’s information on raising and cooperation between youths and their parents, especially to know the finances of those parents and compare them with the youth’s services.

·        To build a system for valuing their physical and mental health by setting up a system for measuring their health regularly.

·        To build their confidence and manage the positions of their future goals

·        To monitor the real life of youth in the communities they come from.