
Mr. Philipo Martini the director of African Scenery Tanzania Tours who initiated the charity as a part of the global movement for sustainable tourism development; giving back to the community in collaboration with his network of travel industry

Partner, organizations, travelers and global citizens who are interested in reaching out and supporting marginalized communities in Tanzania.

1. African Scenery Tours Company

Ø With firsthand experience and a deep love for Tanzania guiding the way, African Scenery Tours has rigorously tested all mountain routes, Safari National Parks, Zanzibar holyday and many more trips with safety always top of mind. You can trust our Kilimanjaro team to get you safely up the mountain and safari experience. Join African Scenery Tours to experience what it’s really like to be on the “Roof of Africa” – It’s a journey you’ll never forget.



·        To support marginalize groups in society such as orphans, women and underprivileged people by providing them basic needs such as food, shelter, clothes and education through our tourism business income.

·        African Scenery Tours and  Guide Me Initiatives together we supports Tourism movement in Tanzania also porters and guides who help tourists who climb Mt Kilimanjaro and Mt Meru.



·        To ensure a positive outcome of tourism by benefiting and uplifting the host community

·        To ensure environmental conservations, social and economic development for the long term development and sustainability of the tourism industry with a focus on improving the host community’s livelihood.

·        To expand our projects impact globally.


*check out: www.africanscenery.com for our more information: