Virtual Laboratory- Complex Geometric Forms

The purpose of this study is to explore new methods of creating forms. Relative motions seem to be a promising mechanism in this regard. Findings from earlier studies suggest that the trajectories of multiple-level relative motions can result in highly unpredictable complex shapes. Furthermore, these shapes may turn out to be visually appealing with proper colorization according to their frequencies of visits. Different kinds of motions, as well as various combinations of those motions, have been experimented in this study.

Applet: Relative Motion Creator 2018 

The applet we created to generate these patterns can be downloaded. We can author a recursive motion, and define a specific palette to implement the colorizing trajectories via the applet. (downlink

— RMC2018 by screenshots (Main Interfaces)

— Implementation of Chaotic Terms & Batching on computing RMD

— All list of parameters on five types of relative motions

Release Note: Relative Motion Creator 2018 (2018/10/19)

Revising the Connecting the RMD@WEB Data.

Release Note: Relative Motion Creator 2010 (2010/04/09)