Welcome to Georgia Tech Club Tennis!

Spring Tryouts!

With the Spring semester in full swing, we're very excited to announce upcoming dates for tryouts! Tryouts will be held each day at Ken Byers Tennis Center on campus

Women's: Tuesday, January 14th from 6-8pm

Women's Alternate: Thursday, January 16th from 7-8pm

Men's: Thursday, January 16th from 6-8pm

Men's Alternate: Tuesday, January 14th from 7-8pm

To sign up for tryouts, please fill out the following form


Additionally, to meet hitting partners, and for updated tryouts information, please join this GroupMe:


For additional details, see the "How to Join" Tab. Feel free to contact us with additional questions via Instagram or email below!


Georgia Tech Club Tennis is a competitive and fun organization of tennis players at the Georgia Institute of Technology. As a top-tier club sport on campus, Club Tennis travels across the Southeast to 4 tournaments a semester, has about 30 active members, and practices three times a week at the Ken Byers Tennis Complex located on campus. 

In addition to playing tennis, we enjoy participating in social events together off the court. This helps us be a truly enjoyable community and group of friends outside of just tennis players. So, if you are looking to play competitive tennis and find a fantastic group of friends, GT Club Tennis is for you!


For those new to GT Club Tennis, a short video to the right can give a brief intro! The former president, Mark Barrow, explains a little bit about who we are, how we function on a regular basis, and how you can join!