第84屆高壓科學研究會委員與召集人 / 84th HPSciRea Committees and the convener:


The ballots for 84th HPSciRea committee members and convener elections are tallied at noon on September 15th and 18th, 2017, respectively. Nine committee members are elected from 177 votes by 21 out of 36 HPSciRea members and the convener is elected from nine votes by nine committee members.

委員暨召集人 黃怡禎 教授 / 中州技術學院通識教育中心 (退休)

Committee and Convener Prof. Eugene Huang / Chung Chou University of Science Technology  (Retired) 

委員 宋聖榮 教授 / 國立台灣大學地質系  

Committee Prof. Sheng-Song Song / Dept. of Geosciences, National Taiwan University

委員 李佩倫 副教授 / 國立嘉義大學數位系  

Committee Assoc. Prof. Pei-Lun Lee  / Dept. of E-learning Design and Management, National Chiayi University

委員 林志明 教授 / 國立清華大學物理系  

Committee Prof. Chi-Ming Lin / Dept. of Physics, National Tsing Hua University

委員 徐   翰 副教授 / 國立中央大學物理系  

Committee Assoc. Prof. Han Hsu / Dept. of Physics, National Central University

委員 陳洋元 研究員 / 中央研究院物理所    

Committee Research Fellow Yang-Yuan Chen / Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica

委員 謝文斌 助研究員 / 中央研究院地科所    

Committee Assistant Research Fellow Yang-Yuan Chen / Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica

委員 龔慧貞 副教授 / 國立成功大學地科系  

Committee Assoc. Prof. Jennifer Kung / Dept. of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University

委員 簡淑櫻 博士後研究員 / 國立成功大學理學院   

Committee Postdoctoral Associate Su-Ying Chien / College of Sciences, National Cheng Kung University