Hybrid Format

GSCC 2022 will be held in two components: a virtual conference on Zoom and an in-person open problem workshop at UC San Diego's main campus in La Jolla, California.

Virtual Conference

The Virtual Conference will be held on March 26- 27th, 2022 on Zoom. The conference will feature twenty-minute virtual talks given by graduate students in parallel sessions, with five minutes for audience questions thereafter. Talks will run from 8am to 5pm PDT on Saturday 3/26/22 and Sunday 3/27/22. The talks by plenary speakers will be interspersed throughout the conference. Precise details will appear on the finalized schedule.

The finalized schedule with individual talks, Zoom links, and abstracts will be posted on this website and emailed to all conference participants a few days prior to the start of the conference on March 25th.

In-Person Open Problem Workshop

In addition to the virtual conference, we will hold a small in-person workshop at UC San Diego on March 18-19, 2022 where we will discuss open problems and topics of interest. Those that plan to attend are strongly encouraged to submit an open problem to math-gscc2022@ucsd.edu by March 1st.

Based on available funding, we will cover costs for lodging and road travel, but we are unable to cover costs for airfare to attend the workshop. Participants will be required to find their own lodging via hotel or AirBnB and submit reimbursement forms to the organizing committee. Please note that funding is not guaranteed for registrations submitted after January 25th, 2022. We will release further details on the amount of funding available for each participant shortly after this deadline.

Per UCSD requirements, all workshop attendees will need to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination status. Details on how to submit proof of vaccination status will be provided along with the funding information.