Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference 2022

In-Person Workshop on March 18-19

Virtual Conference on March 26-27

University of California San Diego

Welcome to the 17th Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference (GSCC) official website! The GSCC is an annual conference hosted by graduate students for graduate students. Our goal is to create a space where current students in combinatorics can present their work in a constructive environment where we can all learn from each other, network across the country, and create a stronger sense of community across the discipline. In addition to featuring dozens of talks from our participants, the conference will also host several exceptional keynote speakers.

We are excited to announce that the conference will have both a virtual and an in-person component! On March 18-19, we will hold a small in-person open problem workshop at the UC San Diego campus in La Jolla. On March 26-27, the main conference will be held virtually on Zoom. Please see the schedule and registration pages for further details. If you have any additional questions, please send an email to the organizing committee at

The upcoming GSCC in 2023 will be hosted by Washington University In St. Louis. You may find more Information on their website:

Keynote Speakers:

Carnegie Mellon University

Extremal Combinatorics

Washington University in St. Louis

Interplay between Combinatorics and Algebraic Geometry

University of British Columbia

Graph Theory, Discrete Geometry, and Combinatorial Number Theory


We are no longer accepting registration for the conference.

Our Supporters:

GSCC 2022 is currently supported by NSF Award DMS-1933360, the Combinatorics Foundation, and UC San Diego.

Organizing Committee