Year 10 Media

Year 10 Media, students started off the year by furthering their photography and photoshop skills through developing a Social Media Advertising Campaign. In pairs, students chose a brand to 'Advertise' for, planned out a photography shoot and then created a range of posts. This was a practical task with real-world skills being utilised as students created Instagram pages for their brands. Whilst the most of Instagram pages and posts are inaccessible, please see their edited photographs below.

The final production piece, a short film, was unfortunately cancelled by the return of Covid Lockdowns.

Bryce Harvey


Joel Lowe


Alex Mitchell & Ebony Stuart

Crunchie Chocolate

Tezai Resit & Malek Elhaj


Abbi Harper & Phoebe Cavanough

Krispy Kreme Donuts

Murray Jones & Samuel Saltmarsh


Alicia Adorna & Caitlin Gatherer

Cotton On

Aimee Naumoski & Juliet Firth

Doc Martens