
(77 academic journal publications, 4 book chapters, 1 Atlas, 3 ISBN reports - STEP, BPBES) 


85. Campbell et al. Forest conservation maximises açaí palm pollination services and yield in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Applied Ecology. accepted.

84. Leclercq, N., Marshall, L., Caruso, G., Schiel, K., Weekers, T., Carvalheiro, L. G., Dathe, H. H., Kuhlmann, M., Michez, D., Potts, S. G., Rasmont, P., Roberts, S. P. M., Smagghe, G., Vandamme, P., & Vereecken, N. J. 2023. European bee diversity: Taxonomic and phylogenetic patterns. Journal of Biogeography.

83. Silva, F.D.S., Ramos, D. Mertens, F. & Carvalheiro, L.G. 2023 Native pollinators improve the quality and market value of common bean. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 349, 08432.  doi: 

82. Gonzalez-Chaves, A ., Carvalheiro, L.G., Piffer, P.R., d'Albertas, F., Giannini, T.C, Viana, B., Metzger, J.P. 2023. Evidence of time-lag in the provision of ecosystem services by tropical regenerating forests to coffee yields. Environmental Research Letters 18, 025002. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/acb161 

81. Franceschinelli, E.V. et al. 2023 Experimental insecticide applications change tomato pollinator assemblages and do not increase fruit production. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,  345, 108310,  


80. Timoteo, S; Albrecht, J; Rumeu, B; Norte, A; Traveset, A; Frost, C; Marchante, E; López-Núñez , FA; Peralta, G; Memmott, J; Olesen, J; Costa, J; Pascoal da Silva, L; Carvalheiro, LG; Correia, M; Staab, M; Blüthgen, N; Farwig, N; Parejo, S; Mironov, S; Rodriguez-Echeverria, S; Heleno, R. Tripartite networks show that keystone species can multitask. J. Functional Ecology, 

79. Bartomeus, I. , Lanuza, JB, Wood, T. Carvalheiro, L.G. et al. Base de datos de abejas ibéricas. Ecosistemas 31 (3): 2380 [DATA PAPER]. DATABASE access:

78. de Souza, YCM, Annibale, FS, Carvalheiro, LG, Vasconcelos TS, Rossa-Feres, DC. 2022. Differential behavioral responses of benthic and nektonic tadpoles to predation at varying water depths. Can. J. Zool. 100: 1–13 (2022) |

77. Sabino et al. 2022. Status and trends of pollination services in Amazon agroforestry systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 

76. Rollin, O., Aguirre-Gutierrez, J., Yasreb-de-Kom, IAR, Garrat, ;PD, Groot, A, Kleijn D, Potts, S. Scheper, J & Carvalheiro, LG. 2022. Effects of ozone air pollution on crop pollinators and pollination. Global Environmental Change, 

75. Verdasca et al. 2022. Contrasting patterns from two invasion fronts suggest a niche shift of an invasive predator of native bees. PeerJ, 

74. Salim et al. 2022. Data standardization of plant-pollinator interactions. GigaScience, 

73. Windsor et al. 2022. Network science: applications for sustainable agroecosystems and food security . Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, PECON, 

72. Campbell, A.J., Lichtenbergb, E.M., Carvalheiro, L.G. , Menezes, C.,  Borges, R.C. , Coelho, B.W.T., Freitas, M.A.B., Giannini, T.C., Leão, K., Oliveira, F.F.,  Silva, T.S.F., Maués, M.M. 2022.  High bee functional diversity buffers crop pollination services against Amazon deforestation. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 326, 107777, 

71. Falcão, J.C.F. , Carvalheiro, L.G., Guevara, R., Lira-Noriega A. 2022. The risk of invasion by angiosperms peaks at intermediate levels of human influence. Basic and Applied Ecology. DOI:

70. Franceschinelli, E.V., Ribeiro, P.L.M., Mesquita-Neto, J.N., Bergamini, L.L., Assis, I.M., Elias, M.A.S., Fernandes, P.M., Carvalheiro, L.G. 2022 Importance of biotic pollination varies across common bean cultivars. Journal of Applied Entomology. DOI: 10.1111/JEN.12951

69. González Chaves, A., Carvalheiro, L.G. , Garibaldi, L.A.,  Metzger, J.P. 2021. 'Positive forest cover effects on coffee yields are consistent across regions' . J. Applied Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14057


68. González Chaves, A., Carvalheiro, L.G. , Garibaldi, L.A.,  Metzger, J.P. 2021. 'Positive forest cover effects on coffee yields are consistent across regions' . J. Applied Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14057

67. Verdasca, M.J. , Rebelo, H. , Carvalheiro, L.G., Rebelo, R.  2021. Invasive hornets on the road: motorway-driven dispersal must be considered on management plans of an invasive flying insect. Neobiota, 69: 177-198, doi: 10.3897/neobiota.69.71352

66. Franceschinelli, E.V., Ribeiro, P.L.M., Mesquita-Neto, J.N., Bergamini, L.L., Assis, I.M., Elias, M.A.S., Fernandes, P.M., Carvalheiro, L.G. 2021 Importance of biotic pollination varies across common bean cultivars. Journal of Applied Entomology. DOI: 10.1111/JEN.12951

65. Silva, F.D.S, Carvalheiro, L.G. [shared 1st authorship] J. Aguirre-Gutiérrez, M. Lucotte , K. Guidoni-Martins, F. Mertens. 2021. Virtual pollination trade uncovers global dependence on biodiversity of developing countries. Science Advances.Vol. 7, no. 11, eabe6636 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abe6636

64. Carvalheiro, L.G. et al. 2021. The role of soils on pollination and seed dispersal. Philosophical Transactions B, doi_ 10.1098/rstb.2020-0171

63. Smith, P. , Keesstra, S.D., Silver, W.L., Adhya, T.K., Deyn, G.B.  Carvalheiro, L.G., Gultrap, D.L., Cheng, K., Sarkar, B., Saco, P.M., Scow,K, Smith, J., Morel, J. Thiele-Bruhn, S. Lai, R., McElwee, P.. 2021 Soil-derived Nature’s Contributions to People and their contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals" Philosophical Transactions B. DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2020.0185

62. Medina, G. Corcioli, G. Gosch, MS. Verano, T, Carvalheiro, LG, Noll, M, S, CM. 2021 Atlas da agricultura familiar em Goiás - a força da agricultura familiar goiana revelada em números e imagens (3a edição). Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Goiano – IF Goiano. ISBN: 978-65-87469-16-4 (e-book)

61. Silva, F.D.S, Carvalheiro, L.G. , Mertens, F. 2021. A valoração econômica da polinização agrícola como forma de orientar estratégias de proteção aos polinizadores. Revista Panorâmica – ISSN 2238-9210 - Edição Especial 2021.

60. Verdasca, M. J., Godinho, R., Rocha, R.G., Portocarrero, M., Carvalheiro, L.G., Rebelo, R. & Rebelo H. 2021. A metabarcoding tool to detect predation of the honeybee Apis mellifera and other wild insects by the invasive Vespa velutina. Journal of Pest Science. DOI:

59. Senapathi D et al. 2021 Wild insect diversity increases inter-annual stability in global crop pollinator communities. Proc. R. Soc. B 288: 20210212.


58. Carvalheiro, L.G. et al. 2020. Soil eutrophication shaped the composition of pollinator assemblages during the past century. Ecography,42: 1–13, doi_ 10.1111/ecog.04656

57. Ferreira, P. et al. 2020. Forest and connectivity loss simplify tropical pollination networks. Oecologia, 192, 577–590. doi: 10.1007/s00442-019-04579-7

56. Silva, S.E. ,Seabra, S.G., Carvalheiro, L.G., Nunes, V.L., Marabuto, E., Mendes, R., Rodrigues, A.S.B., Pina-Martins, F.,Yurtsever, S., Laurentino, T.G., Figueiredo, E., Rebelo, M.T. & Paulo, O.S. 2020. Population genomics of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris reveals high but unstructured genetic diversity in a potential glacial refugium. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.


55. Campbell, A., Carvalheiro, L.G., Gauster, M., Almeida-Neto, M. & Giannini, T. 2019. Pollinator restoration in Brazilian ecosystems relies on a small but phylogenetically-diverse set of plant families. Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 17383. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-53829-4

54. Dainese, M., Martin, E.A., Aizen, M.A., Albrecht, M., Bartomeus, I., Bommarco, R. Carvalheiro, L.G., et al. 2019 A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production. Science Advances, 5(10) eaax0121. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aax0121


53. Vanderplanck, M., Martinet, B., Carvalheiro, L.G., Rasmont, P., Barraud, A.,Renaudeau, C. & Michez, Denis. 2019. Ensuring access to high-quality resources reduces the impacts of heat stress on bees. Scientific Reports,12596, V9 (1) DOI - 10.1038/s41598-019-49025-z

52. BPBES/REBIPP 2019: Relatório temático sobre Polinização, Polinizadores e Produção de Alimentos no Brasil. Marina Wolowski; Kayna Agostini; André Rodrigo Rech; Isabela Galarda Varassin; Márcia Maués; Leandro Freitas; Liedson Tavares Carneiro; Raquel de Oliveira Bueno; Hélder Consolaro; Luisa Carvalheiro; Antônio Mauro Saraiva; Cláudia Inês da Silva. Maíra C. G. Padgurschi (Org.). 1ª edição, São Carlos, SP: Editora Cubo. 184 páginas.


51. Ramos DL, Bustamante MMC, Silva FDSS, Carvalheiro LG. 2018. Crop fertilization affects pollination service provision – Common bean as a case study. PLoS ONE 13(11): e0204460. DOI:

50. Karp, D.S. et al. (2018). Crop pests and predators exhibit inconsistent responses to surrounding landscape composition PNAS, 10.1073/pnas.1800042115

49. Campbell, A.J; Carvalheiro, L.G., Maués, M.M., Jaffé, R., Giannini, T.C. , Coelho, B. W. T., Freitas, M. A. B. & Menezes, C. 2018. Anthropogenic disturbance of tropical forests threatens pollination services to açaí palm in the Amazon river delta. J. Applied Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13086

48. Salim, JA, Saraiva, AM, Agostini, K., Wolowski, M., Veiga, A., Silva, J. & Carvalheiro L. 2018. Brazilian Network on Plant-Pollinator Interactions: an update on the initiative of a standard for plant-pollinator interactions data. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 2, e25343.


47. Ramos, D.L., Ramos, P.D. &  Carvalheiro, L.G. 2017. The invasive Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) uses native plant species of the brazilian savanna as hosts. Dros. Inf. Serv., 100:114-116.

46. Nel, L., Pyrke, J.S, Carvalheiro, L.G., Thébault, E., van Veen, F.J.F., Seymour, C.S. 2017. Exotic plants growing in crop field margins provide little support to mango crop flower visitors. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 250: 72–80. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2017.09.002

45. Bergamo, P.J., Wolowski, M. Maruyama, P.K., Vizentin-Bugoni, J., Carvalheiro, L.G., Sazima, M. 2017. The potential indirect effects among plants via shared hummingbird pollinators are structured by phenotypic similarity. Ecology, doi: 10.1002/ecy.1859.

44. Lichtenberg,E.M., Kennedy, C.M., Kremen, C. , Batary, P., Berendse, F., Bommarco, R. Bosque-Perez, N.A. , Carvalheiro, L.G. et al. 2017. A global synthesis of the effects of diversified farming systems on arthropod diversity within fields and across agricultural landscapes. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13714

43. Aguirre-Gutiérrez, J., Kissling, W.D., Biesmeijer, J.C., WallisDeVries, M.F., Reemer, M, Carvalheiro, L.G. 2017. Historical changes in the importance of climate and land use as determinants of Dutch pollinator distributions . Journal of Biogeography. doi:10.1111/jbi.12937

42. Pöyry, J., Carvalheiro L.G. et al. 2017. Effects of soil eutrophication propagate to higher trophic levels. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26:18-30. doi: 10.1111/geb.12521

41. Roger, N., Moerman, R.,Carvalheiro, L.G., Aguirre‐Guitiérrez, J., Jacquemart, A., Kleijn, D., Lognay, G., Moquet, L., Quinet, L., Rasmont, P., Richel, A., Vanderplanck, M., Michez, D.. 2017. Impact of pollen resources drift on common bumble bees in NW Europe. Global Change Biology, 23: 68-76. doi:10.1111/gcb.13373

40. Wolowski, M; Carvalheiro, LG.; Freitas, L. 2017. Influence of plant-hummingbird interactions on the structuring of species assemblages. Journal of Ecology. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.12684


39. Jaffé, R; Pope, N ; Acosta, A; Alves, D; Arias, M; De la Rúa, P; Francisco, F; Giannini, T; González-Chaves, A ; Imperatriz-Fonseca, V ; Tavares, M; Jha, S; Carvalheiro, LG. accepted. Beekeeping practices and geographic distance, not land use, drive gene flow across tropical bees. Molecular Ecology. doi: 10.1111/mec.13852

38. Aguirre-Gutiérrez, J., Kissling, W.D., Carvalheiro, L.G., WallisDeVries, M.F., Franzén, M, Biesmeijer, J.C.. 2016. Functional traits help to explain half-century long shifts in pollinator distributions. Scientific Reports 6: 24451. doi: 10.1038/srep24451

37. Garibaldi, L.A., Carvalheiro,L.G. et al. 2016. Mutually beneficial pollinator diversity and crop yield outcomes in small and large farms. Science, Vol. 351, Issue 6271, pp. 388-391. doi: 10.1126/science.aac7287

36. Rader, R., Bartomeus, I., Garibaldi, L.A., Garrat, M.D.P., Howlett, B., Winfree, R.G., Cunningham, S.A., Mayfield, M.M., Arthur, A.D., Andersson, G.K.S., Bommarco, R. ;Brittain, C., Carvalheiro, L.G. et al. 2016. Non-bee insects are important contributors to global crop pollination. PNAS 113:146-151. DOI:

35. Cavalheiro, L.G., Saraiva AM, Gianinni, T.C. 2016. Establishing Knowledge Management Systems for Ecological Interactions: the case of crop pollinators. Chp. 6 in: Pollination Services to Agriculture: Sustaining and Enhancing a Key Ecosystem Service (ed. Gemmill-Herren B.). Routledge.

34. Freitas BM, Vaissière B, Saraiva AM, Cavalheiro L.G., Garibaldi LA y Ngo H. 2016. Identifying and assessing pollination deficits in crops. Chp. 2 in: Pollination Services to Agriculture: Sustaining and Enhancing a Key Ecosystem Service (ed. Gemmill-Herren B.). Routledge.


33. Senapathi, D, Biesmeijer, Breeze, T.D., Kleijn, D., Potts, S.G. & Carvalheiro, L.G., 2015. Pollinator conservation — the difference between

managing for pollination services and preserving pollinator diversity. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 12:93–101. [link] DOI:

32. Garibaldi, L.A., Bartomeus, I., Bommarco, R., Klein, A.M., Cunningham, S.A. Aizen,, M.A, Boreux, V., Garratt, M.P.D., Carvalheiro, L.G. et al. 2015. Trait matching of flower visitors and crops predicts fruit set better than trait diversity. Journal of Applied Ecology, in press, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12530 [link]

31. Aguirre-Gutiérrez, J., Biesmeijer, J.C.,van Loon, E.E. Reemer,M., WallisDeVries, M.F., Carvalheiro, L.G. 2015. Susceptibility of pollinators to ongoing landscape changes depends on landscape history. Diversity and Distributions, 21: 1129–1140. DOI:

30. Marshall, L., Carvalheiro, L.G., Aguirre-Gutierrez, J., Bos, M. de Groot, A., Kleijn, D., Potts, S.G., Reemer, M., Roberts, S., Scheper, J., Biesmeijer,J.C. 2015. Testing projected wild bee distributions in agricultural habitats: predictive power depends on species traits and habitat type. Ecology and Evolution, 5: 4426–4436. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1579

29. Kleijn, D., Winfree, R., Bartomeus, I., Carvalheiro, L.G. et al 2015. Delivery of crop pollination services is an insufficient argument for wild pollinator conservation. Nature Communications, 6, Article number:7414,


28. Ferreira, P.A, Boscolo, D., Carvalheiro, L.G., Biesmeijer, J.C., Rocha, P.L.B., Viana, B.F. 2015. Responses of bees to habitat loss in fragmented landscapes of Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. Landscape Ecology, 30: 2067-2078. DOI: 10.1007/s10980-015-0231-3

27. Potts S., Biesmeijer K., Bommarco R., Breeze T., Carvalheiro L., et al. 2015. Status and trends of European pollinators. Key findings of the STEP project. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, 72 pp.

26. Senapathi, D, Carvalheiro, L.G., Biesmeijer, J.C., Dodson, C., Evans, R. L., McKerchar, M., Morton, R.D., Moss, E.D., Roberts, S.P.M., Kunin, W.E. & Potts, S.G. 2015. The impact of over 80 years of land cover changes on bee and wasp pollinator communities in England Proc. R. Soc. B 282: 20150294.

media (English):

25. Eskildsen, A, Carvalheiro, L.G., Kissling, WD, Biesmeijer, JC, Schweiger, O and Høye, TT . 2015. Ecological specialization matters: long-term trends in butterfly species richness and assemblage composition depend on multiple functional traits. Diversity and Distributions, 21:792–802. DOI:

press release (English):

media (Danish):


24. Carvalheiro, LG; Biesmeijer, JC; Benadi, G; Fruend, J; Stang, M; Bartomeus, I; Kaiser-Bunbury, C; Baude, M; Gomes, S; Merckx, V; Baldock, K; Bennett, A; Boada, R; Bommarco, R; Cartar, R; Chacoff, N; Danhardt, J; Dicks, L; Dormann, C.F.; Ekroos, J; Henson, K; Holzschuh, A; Junker, R; Lopezaraiza-Mikel, M; Memmott, J; Montero-Castaño, A; Nelson, I; Petanidou, T; Power, E; Rundlöf, M; Smith, H; Stout, J; Temitope, K; Tscharntke, T; Tscheulin, T; Vila, M; Kunin, WE. 2014. Indirect effects between co-flowering plants via shared pollinators depend on resource abundance, accessibility and relatedness. Ecology Letters, 17: 1389–1399. DOI_ 10.1111/ele.12342

23. Garibaldi L.A., Carvalheiro, L.G. Leonhardt, SD, Aizen, MA, Blaauw, B, Isaacs, R, Kuhlmann, M, Kleijn, D, Klein, AM, Kremen, C, Morandin, L, Scheper, J, Winfree, R. 2014 From research to action: practices to enhance crop yield through wild pollinators. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment, 12: 439–447. DOI: 10.1890/130330

22. Chamberlain, S., Vazquez, D.P., Carvalheiro, L.G., Elle, E. & Vamosi, J.C. 2014. Phylogenetic tree shape and the structure of mutualistic networks. Journal of Ecology, 102: 1234–1243, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12293

21. Archer, C. R., Pirk, C. W. W. Carvalheiro, L. G., & Nicolson, S. W. 2014 . Economic and ecological implications of geographic bias in pollinator ecology in the light of pollinator declines. Oikos, 123: 401-407. DOI:

20. Barbosa ERM, Tomlinson KW, Carvalheiro LG, Kirkman K, de Bie S, Prins HHT, van Langevelde F. 2014. Short-term effect of nutrient availability and rainfall distribution on biomass production and leaf nutrient content of savanna tree species. PLoS ONE, 9(3): e92619. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092619.

19. Steward, PR, Shackelford, G, Carvalheiro, LG, Benton, T.G., Garibaldi, L.A., Sait, SM. 2014. Pollination and biological control research: are we neglecting two billion smallholders? Agriculture & Food Security, 3:5 doi:10.1186/2048-7010-3-5.

18. Barbosa ERM, van Langevelde F, Tomlinson KW, Carvalheiro LG, Kirkman K, de Bie S, Prins HHT. 2014. Tree species from different functional groups respond differently to environmental changes during establishment. Oecologia, 174(4):1345-57, doi: 10.1007/s00442-013-2853-y.


17. Hendriks R.J.J., Carvalheiro L.G., Kleukers M.J.C. & Biesmeijer J.C. 2013. Temporal-spatial dynamics in Orthoptera in relation to nutrient availability and plant species richness. PLoS ONE 8, e71736. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071736.

16. Carvalheiro L.G., et al. 2013. Species richness declines and biotic homogenization have slowed down for NW-European pollinators and plants. Ecology Letters, 16, 870-878. DOI:

15. Garibaldi L.A., Steffan-Dewenter I, Winfree R, Aizen M.A., Bommarco R., Cunningham S.A., Kremen C., Carvalheiro L.G., et al.. 2013. Wild pollinators enhance fruit set of crops regardless of honey-bee abundance. Science, 339, 1608-1611. DOI:  10.1126/science.1230200

14. Kennedy, C. M., Lonsdorf, E. Neel M. C., Williams, N. M. Ricketts, T. H. Winfree, R. Bommarco, R. Brittain, C. Burley, A. L. Cariveau, D. Carvalheiro, L. G. et al. 2013. A global quantitative synthesis of local and landscape effects on wild bee pollinators in agroecosystems. Ecology Letters, 16, 584-599. DOI:

13. Aguirre-Gutierres, J., Carvalheiro, LG, et al. 2013. Fit-for-purpose: Species distribution model performance depends on evaluation criteria –Dutch hoverflies as a case study. PLOS-ONE, 8, e63708. DOI:

12. van Andel, T. & Carvalheiro, LG. 2013. Why urban citizens in developing countries use traditional medicines: the case of Suriname. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Article Number: 687197 DOI: 10.1155/2013/687197.


11. Carvalheiro, L.G., Seymour, C., Nicolson, S. & Veldtman R. 2012. Creating patches of native flowers facilitates crop pollination in large agricultural fields: mango as a case study. Journal of Applied Ecology 49, 1373–1383. DOI:


10. Carvalheiro, L.G., et al.2011. Natural and within-farmland biodiversity enhances crop productivity. Ecology Letters 14: 251–259. DOI:

9. Sorensen, PB, Damgaard, CF, Strandberg, B., Dupont, YL, Pedersen,MB, Carvalheiro, L.G., et al. 2011. A method for under-sampled ecological network data analysis: plant-pollination as case study. Journal of Pollination Ecology, 6, 129-139.

8. Garibaldi, L.A., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Kremen, C., Morales, J.M., Bommarco, R., Cunningham, S.A., Carvalheiro, L.G, et al. 2011. Stability of pollination services decreases with isolation from natural areas despite honey bee visits. Ecology Letters, 14, 1062–1072. DOI:

7. Biesmeijer, JC; Carvalheiro, LG & Sorensen, P. 2011. How pollination ecology research can help answer important questions. Journal of Pollination Ecology, 4, 68-73. DOI:


6. Carvalheiro, LG, et al. 2010. Pollinationservices decline with distance from natural habitat even in biodiversity richareas. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47, 810–820. DOI:

5. Carvalheiro, LG; Buckley YM. & Memmott, J. 2010. Diet breadth determines how impacts of invasive plants are propagated through food webs. Ecology, 91, 1063-1074. DOI: 10.1890/08-2092.1

4. Carvalheiro, LG; Buckley, Y.M.; Ventim, R.; Fowler, S.V. & Memmott, J. 2008. Apparent competition can compromise the safety of highly specific biocontrol agents. Ecology Letters, 11, 690-700. DOI:

3. Carvalheiro, LG; Barbosa, E.R.M. & Memmott, J. 2008. Pollinator networks, alien species and the conservation of rare plants: Trinia glauca as a case study. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45,1419-1427. DOI:

2. Memmott, J.; Gibson RH; Carvalheiro, LG; Heleno, R.; Henson, KSE.; Lopezaraiza-Mikel, M & Pearce, S. 2008. The Conservation of Ecological Interactions. Insect Conservation Biology (eds A.J.A. Stewart, O.T. Lewis & T.R. New), CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, pp. 226-244. DOI: 10.2307/1312744

1. Carvalheiro, L.G., Buckley, Y.M., Ventim, R. & Memmott, J. 2007. Assessing indirect impacts of biocontrol agents on native biodiversity: a community level approach. In: XIIth ISBCW Proceedings (eds Julien, M.H. et al.) CABI Publishing Wallingford, UK. pp. 91-94. ISBN-13: 978-1845935061 ISBN-10: 1845935063. doi:


Carvalheiro, L.G. 2007, Impact and management of invasive plant species: a food web approach PhD Thesis, University of Bristol, UK, 131 pp.

Carvalheiro, L. 2002. Seed and seedling ecology of Euterpe precatoria (Palmae) in Western Amazonia. Graduation Thesis, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, 24 pp.

Other science communication publications/events: Carvalheiro LG. 2013. Assessing how the rate of decline of pollinator diversity is changing through time. Antenna. Royal Entomological Society. UK



Carvalheiro LG. 2013. Assessing how the rate of decline of pollinator diversity is changing through time. Antenna. Royal Entomological Society. UK