
UFG (2018- present)

Graduation courses: Community Ecology, Conservation Biology, Biostatistics, Field Ecology

Post-graduation courses: GLM and extentions, Plant Insect Interactions


· Responsible for the following postgraduation courses in University of Brasília (2016-2017):

"Spatial and temporal dynamics of ecological networks of interaction", "General Linear Models and extensions in R"

. Lectures and organization of practical projects within graduation and post-graduation courses of University of Brasilia (2015) for the following courses: ‘Mudanças ambientais globais biodiversidade’ (1st year Graduation in Biology); ‘Meio Ambiente Físico e Ecossistemas’ (2nd year Graduation in Biology), ‘Fundamentos de Ecologia e Evolução’ (MSc and PhD post graduation course in Ecology)

· Lectures and organization of practical projects within the MSc course of University of Leiden, module “Orientation on Evolution, Biodiversity and Conservation. 3rd-13th Sept 2013

· Lecture and practical classes within the MSc course of University of Leeds “Advanced Statistics” 16th-20th December 2013

· Assistant for 2nd year undergraduate course "Science & Communication " of University of Bristol (2006)

. Assistant for 1st year undergraduate course “Ecology” of University of Bristol (2004 & 2005).