

Ninx is a dominatrix and the Madam of the Hellishly Delicious bakery (brothel) where she has the best "baked" goods in the city. You will often find all sorts of souls who wander in that establishment usually here for a donut or someone or both. She is mostly accompanied with her right-hand man, Dante and her left-hand woman, Sugar.

Together, these three run Hellishly Delicious in balance and as Ninx likes to say:

"Nothing is more sweeter in life than enjoying a good cherry tart while also enjoying someone else's tart."

If she isn't running her house of sin (and sweets) she is usually tending to her garden or coddling hergigantic pet leech, Rosie. Otherwise she is usually snacking on small cakes. Personality wise, Ninx is a woman of elegance and refinery and just simply having a conversation feels like a surreal and sensational dream.

As the head mistress, Ninx doesn't believe a boss should sit down and let her workers do everything. She will always be on the look out for patrons and work their wallets out of their pockets. Sometimes if she is in the mood their entire souls are a down payment for an unforgettable session with her.


No one knows exactly how old Ninx is but to her closest allies, they do know that Ninx is one of the many of aliases over the centuries. Ninx has been around since the dawn of man and it's not known what her part was during the early stages of civilizations or if she was ever a human. Not even Ninx can recall the day she came to the world other than a sense of falling and fleeting melancholy.

However, no matter how her story started Ninx has been all over the world and in every period has taken on different appearances, names, and lovers. It wasn't until the early 1400s where she met someone who stole her heart. For those 6 years of her life they lived in a small cottage away from a kingdom and it was the best years of her life and thanks to this man she learned what it meant to be human. She prepared herself to even become his wife by crafting a beautiful medallion and handing it over to him but unfortunately it was not meant to be.

Her lover was an important figure both as a warrior and a political figure for the people. Unfortunately in his kingdom an invasion happened and he lost his life defending innocent civilians but thanks to him almost majority of the kingdom survived. Of course this sent Ninx down a spiral of grief but when she learned of the invaders and that her lover's body was desecrated for his heroic deed and took his necklace given by her sent her in a flying rage. At this time she caught a former archangel who had faced a similar situation and Ninx offered a deal. The moment he accepted, Ninx made him into a weapon and a violent Ifrit that only she could control but until then she contained that power into a collar.

When the invaders where settling into their new lifestyle in the abandon kingdom, Ninx offered their leader a chance to make amends. Handover the medallion. When that demand was met with laughter than threats, she revealed herself to be a demon and unleashed the gigantic Ifrit by breaking the former archangel's collar. When the night ended the entire invading force was brought down to its knees and she took the medallion from the ashes of the man who killed her true love.

Then for the last time she watched the horizon shine down but this time with her lover finally put to rest.

Founding of Hellishly Delicious

After the demise of her love, Ninx spent the next century wandering the earth again. Courting with Kings & Queens, entertaining the thousands, and leaving a trail of suitors everywhere she went. The former archangel accompanied her and soon she gave him the name, Dante and helped reshaped his form with the help of the witch, Jenny.

Eventually, the two thought it was time to start putting the currency they compiled into something useful. Together the two built Hellishly Delicious, a beautiful and magical bakery that would be designed to house the best and most interesting sex workers all while selling some of the best sweets. The baker eventually became Sugar, whom Ninx had come across centuries later and revived as a succubus. Since then, its a never ending ride of love, pleasure, and good treats in this wild ride.


She found rosie in a random puddle in one of the swamps and thought she was so cute that she would adopt the thing. For centuries, Rosie started out in a small glass and now has grown to be the size of a dog. She is the official guard dog of the establishment.

My Art

Drawn By Others

Music Inspiration

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