Donor Intro to Grounded Giving. Logo is the acronym DIGG with a black shovel as the letter I. Small green leaves are on either side of the acronym.

Who we are and what we do

What we offer participants

  1. Philanthropy experts who facilitate DIGG and provide structure, resources, and individual support to help you identify your giving goals and stay accountable to them.

  2. A cohort of peers to share mutual support and accountability as you learn, grow, and work towards your goals.

  3. A thoughtful curriculum that looks at economic justice intersectionally and that helps you explore how to approach this work as a wealthy person.

  4. Vetted funding recommendations to maximize the impact of your giving and practice giving in real-time.

  5. A welcoming space to explore your role as a person with wealth and class privilege in this time of political and economic inequity.

Who we are

DIGG (formerly the COVID Injustice Response Circle) was formed in Spring 2020 by three young people who had millions in inherited wealth. The three founders were alarmed about the ways that the COVID pandemic was exposing and intensifying the extreme inequality that already existed, but they saw an opportunity to learn and respond collectively. They hired Mijo Lee and Rye Young, philanthropic consultants who have both led foundations that fund grassroots social justice organizing and who now work with individual donors and foundations.

Rye and Mijo co-created and facilitated this program in 2020 and 2021 in response to the COVID pandemic and its economic fallout. Now, as COVID seems here to stay, so too does the deeply troubling COVID economy. In this third cohort, our mission is still rooted in transforming our relationship to giving in service to a transformed society. The work will be stewarded by our steering committee which is comprised of four alumni who will participate in the program and facilitate peer discussions.