Donor Intro to Grounded Giving. Logo is the acronym DIGG with a black shovel as the letter I. Small green leaves are on either side of the acronym.

Who should join?

People who believe

  1. Racism is real, ongoing, and serious in the US today.

  2. The way that wealth is distributed in the US is unjust.

  3. Well-meaning people (including me) can and do participate in oppressive systems including racism, classism, sexism, etc.

  4. All people have the right to autonomy and agency over their own bodies, as long as it doesn’t hurt others.

  5. Injustices in society are the result of systemic problems that require structural change and people with wealth have a responsibility to support those solutions.

People who are ready to

  1. Take steps to align my actions with my beliefs and values.

  2. Learn about why and how to invest in movements working towards systemic solutions and structural change.

  3. Try out new approaches to giving resources to movements AND increase how much money I give (setting this goal will be part of my participation).

  4. Open up to peers and be willing to engage in honest self reflection.

  5. Support others in their learning and growth.

People with these capacities

  1. At least one of these approximate levels of wealth:

        • $20 million+ in personal (or joint) assets; OR

        • $100 million+ in family assets you'll eventually access; OR

        • A goal to give away $200,000+ this year in new giving

  2. Able to commit 5-8 hours a month, 3 hours of which will be on Zoom, May 4 through October 26. Sessions will take place on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm EST/ 4:30 PST.

  3. Active participation in each program component:

    • monthly group meetings (15 members max);

    • up to three individual sessions with a giving expert;

    • monthly discussion groups with peers (6 people max);

    • homework assignments (reading, watching, and written exercises);

    • and work towards individual giving goals.

DIGG might be for you if...

  • If your friends have gotten lost in your house.

  • You’re not sure how many houses your family owns.

  • When your family goes on a vacation you ask if you’ll be flying private or commercial.

  • You don’t know how much money you have and it could take you a week to find out.

  • If you have no idea what a banana costs (or didn’t until recently).

  • If you left the house without your wallet, your staff paid for your lunch.

  • Your staff drove you to elementary school more than your parents did.

  • Your family has staff.

  • Your family has a Family Office.

  • You've never had any of these experiences... but your partner does.

  • You've never had any of these experiences... but you have recently or will soon receive the kind of wealth that would make these things possible.

  • You believe that something isn't right about the way wealth is distributed right now, and you're ready to figure out what you can do about it.