Thank you for your interest in volunteering to help make our shows go off without a hitch! 

We cannot have a show without our amazing volunteers to help before, during and after our shows. We have lots of different ways you can help and we will always make sure you get the opportunity to see your dancer perform, no matter what you sign up for. 

Please send Alexandra a text at 406-214-0470 if you can help with something. This takes a village and we can use as many volunteers as we can get!

P. S. We are always looking for responsible teens (siblings, friends) to help backstage as well with quick changes, keep younger dancers busy and entertained, etc.

Please let Alexandra know if you have anyone in mind that you know would like to help! Extra hands are always welcomed and greatly appreciated! 406-214-0470

CLICK HERE to sign up to donate baked goods to sell at intermission. This year we are raising funds to bring choreographer Michael McCrary, a choreographer from NYC to GROOVZ this summer to work with some of our dancers.