F.A.Q. for First Timers

Frequently Asked Questions

All parents have lots of questions about performances!  Here are some of the most frequently asked questions from dancers and their families about performing at our year-end recital.

Is my child in the show?

Yes!  All of our studio classes will perform in both shows!  This is an exciting opportunity for all of our dancers to show their families and friends what they've learned in dance all year long!  Click HERE to see the show lineup. (This is tentative as we may still find costume change conflicts that were overlooked, but it should be pretty close and we will update this link as we make changes.)

Are there extra rehearsals?

Unless you receive a text from the GROOVZ Info number that your dancer's class needs to meet for extra practices at the studio, they will only need to attend their regularly scheduled classes. Tech Rehearsal is Tuesday, April 30th at 6pm. The last day of regular classes at the studio is Tuesday, May 7th. The next day, Wednesday, May 8th, is our scheduled dress rehearsal, followed by our two shows on Thursday, May 9th at 6pm and Friday, May 10th at 6pm.

When & WHERE are the performances?

Performances are on Thursday, May 9th at 6pm and Friday, May 10th at 6pm at the Hamilton Performing Arts Center at Hamilton High School. 

Use the South Entrance of the building.

What is the cost for dancers to participate?

Your dancer's participation in the recital is covered in our performance/recital fee you were invoiced for at the beginning of the season and no extra fees are required.  However, if your dancer will be sitting in the audience at any time in a seat and not on your lap, he or she will need a ticket.  All seats in the performance hall are assigned tickets, and we have sold out in the past.  (Dancers will be required to stay in their dressing room area during both shows, unless special arrangements were made in advance with the Director.) Tiny Dancer Classes will be with their parents in the auditorium unless they are on stage. (See Tiny Dancer Note HERE.)

How do we buy tickets?

Tickets will go on sale online for dance families Monday, April 15th at 9am using your personalized pre-sale code.  All tickets are sold online. There are NO LIMITS on how many tickets each family can buy.  Starting Wednesday, April 18th at 9am, tickets will be available to the general public.

Does my dancer need a ticket?

Dancers, (except Tiny Dancers Classes) will be backstage with their class during the entire performance and will not need a ticket. 

When should my dancer be there?

You should plan to arrive and check your dancer in with their dressing room helper 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the show.  Your dancer should arrive dressed and ready in their first costume. If they have a costume change, they should be dressed in their first and bring their second costume (and shoes) with them.

Can I retrieve my young dancer from backstage after he or she has performed?

For the safety and security of all dancers, dancers must be checked in and out of backstage areas.  Dancers must be checked in prior to the beginning of the show. Dancers will be excused from the stage at the completion of the show unless special arrangements have been made ahead of time with Michelle.  Parents may not enter backstage during the show unless they are designated parent volunteers.

How will my young dancer who is in multiple dances change costumes if I'm not backstage?

It's part of the magic of the recital! We have many parent and student volunteers who help to make sure all young dancers are changed and ready for their performances.  You can help us out by making sure all pieces of your dancer's costume(s) are labeled with his or her name and they have a garment bag or dance bag of some sort with them to help keep all of their things together during changes.

Can I be backstage?

For the safety and security of all dancers, only parents who have signed up with us as a parent volunteer may be backstage during the show.  We encourage parents to volunteer backstage during show times. Many parents help during one show and get tickets to watch the other show.  If you'd like to be a volunteer for one show, simply CLICK HERE to sign up!

Where can I get tights?

All costumes that need tights came with them in the costume bags we sent home. If your dancer needs an extra pair of tights, we will have them available for sale at the Tech Rehearsal on Tuesday, April 30th or from your instructor at the studio.