April 22

Task 1: Direct Object Practice

Mark these sentences using steps A-D. Your notes from class/zoom may be useful.

A. Bracket off any prepositional phrases. B. Single underline the subject.

C. Double underline the verb. D. Circle the DIRECT OBJECT

1. We heard the tornado warning on the radio.

2. Our class helped the fifth grade students find their shelter area.

3. Later, Ms. Moore congratulated us on our silence and courage.

4. Nigel recently saw an enjoyable movie at the Sundance film festival.

5. At dinner he discussed the film with a group of movie-loving friends.

6. The next day, Nigel posted a very positive review on his movie blog.

I'll post the answers here and on Schoology on Friday, April 24th.

Task 2: Vocabulary Practice - from before we left in March

Task 3: Write a story using vocabulary words.

Include as as many vocabulary words as possible. Use the words correctly. Later today I'll add a spot where you can share your story (here or on Schoology).

adversary - an enemy or opponent

apprehensive - anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen

cease - to stop

cunning - skill at being sneaky or tricking people

destination - where someone or something is going or being sent.

furtive - trying not to be seen; acting sneaky or secretive

grueling - Very tiring; requiring lots of energy

impending - about to happen (in a threatening way)

incapacitate - to take away strength or ability

judicious - using or showing good judgment, wise, sensible

ominous - threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

recuperate - to recover, get better after being sick or hurt

sabotage - to deliberately destroy or damage

vigilant - on the alert; watchful

vulnerable - open to attack; capable of being wounded or damaged; unprotected