Grand Rapids

Homes for All


Quality, affordable housing will be equitably accessible to all Grand Rapids residents.


Organize community residents to collectively engage in housing, neighborhood, and development decisions to ensure that all Grand Rapids residents can equitably access quality, affordable housing.

Core Values

  1. Community and housing are a human right, not a commodity to be exploited for profit.
  2. Land and housing should be collectively-owned and controlled by communities.
  3. Land and housing should be developed in a way that is sustainable for the planet.
  4. Land and housing should be accessible, permanent, quality, and connected to economic, social and cultural networks and institutions.
  5. Racism & White Supremacy have been at the root of housing and land policy & injustice in the U.S. Fighting to end racism & white supremacy must be central to our fight for homes for all.
  6. Housing is a social determinant of health.

Ground Rules

1. Listen attentively

  • limit distractions
  • ask for clarification when needed

2. Only one person speaks at a time

  • speak briefly and on the topic at hand
  • "one diva at a time"

3. Center the voices of those negatively impacted by the housing crisis

  • if you are not affected, ask yourself "why am i talking?"

4. Racial, demeaning, or derogatory language will not be tolerated.

  • share with humility and respect