Robot Intent Signaling

Robot Intent Signaling

Evaluated three light based and three motion based intent signaling methods. Through a user study we found trends that the light signal located closest to the workspace was the most noticeable and least confusing to participants.


Gregory LeMasurier, Gal Bejerano, Victoria Albanese, Jenna Parrillo, Holly A. Yanco, Nicholas Amerson, Rebecca Hetrick, and Elizabeth Phillips. Methods for Expressing Robot Intent for Human–Robot Collaboration in Shared Workspaces. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI), Volume 10, Issue 4, Article 40, December 2021.

Gal Bejerano, Gregory LeMasurier, and Holly A. Yanco. Methods for Providing Indications of Robot Intent in Collaborative Human-Robot Tasks. Late Breaking Report, Proceedings of the 13th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Chicago, IL, March 2018.